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Anime Jason 

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Subj: It really is!
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 at 06:07:54 pm EST (Viewed 412 times)
Reply Subj: Re: But that's so much work...
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 at 04:08:43 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)

    The Wonderwall is secretly a trap to snare those with hubris. You beat it by not going there.

The irony to that is Lara was selected for the power she has because she has a natural tendency toward balance...and lack of hubris.

    Did you ever estabish why Lara has chosen to migrate to the Parodyverse rather than stay at home?

Boredom, and a desire to see something new. Since then, she's made friends, and has to balance living in two places. Except back home, she has kind of isolated herself to hide from being a minor celebrity, so she has very few close friends there now.

Eventually, either here or in novel form, I'll get to stories of what she does at home.

    The Hood feels the need to fix things. His tragic flaw is that he believes only he can do it.

Now that's someone who really needs to talk to Faite. He could probably benefit from her hundreds of years of experience learning the futility of trying to fix mistakes of the past.

    So we're talking about electromagnetic absortion and projection over a grand scale.

Something like that. It makes it very hard for anyone to take her power away entirely, unless they send her someplace with no energy *and* get her to drain what she already has stored.

Why did I do it that way? Because it's more complicated and interesting to see enemies forced to try and cripple her emotionally than simply take her power away each time. An enemy can only take Hatman's hats away so many times before it starts to look like a crutch.

One of Lara's friends back home taught her how to fight without using her powers. Not because she anticipated Lara losing her power, but because she believed it would focus her better. And it worked, because now Lara depends on her power less and on her brain more.


      The one feature she hasn't quite mastered yet is siphoning directly from the universe and releasing massive amounts of energy. She has pulled that off once or twice, but doesn't know how to do it consciously.

    That's a bit like Superman's new trick.

I don't read Superman anymore. Also, while Lara hasn't mastered it, she also isn't really trying to. She's acutely aware of the danger of it. She believes her powers are in balance with the universe, and if she abuses that by siphoning all the incoming energy through herself, it could cause damage she couldn't even imagine.

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