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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: But that's so much work...
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 at 04:08:43 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: But that's so much work...
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 at 10:42:36 pm EST (Viewed 713 times)

    I have to wonder though if she's just the type to break that pattern, though, because she was visiting the Wonderwall with no ambition. No need for power, no need for knowledge in a hurry. The only achilles heel, perhaps, was that she had some fear - of losing the ability to care for her friends.

The Wonderwall is secretly a trap to snare those with hubris. You beat it by not going there.

    Semi-off-topic since I did promise more information about Lara:

    I did say that Lara is about halfway between Jedi and Sith. So she has as much potential for protecting the universe as seizing control of it.

Did you ever estabish why Lara has chosen to migrate to the Parodyverse rather than stay at home?

    Winkleweld might find it interesting, though, that she finds his goal of ruling to be ridiculous. For her, just *having* the power to do so is enough.

The Hood feels the need to fix things. His tragic flaw is that he believes only he can do it.

    Imagine trillions of tiny extension cords coming from trillions of electrical outlets in trillions of homes. Each one of them draws next to nothing, but put them all together, and you have some serious power.

    Lara siphons tiny amounts of power from the entire universe, but because she's a tiny speck compared to the universe, it comes out to a huge amount of power.

    She's more battery than capacitor. As with a battery, she can't release it all at once - there's a limit to how much can be at one time - and she doesn't recharge fully immediately, though it doesn't take very long.

So we're talking about electromagnetic absortion and projection over a grand scale.

    The one feature she hasn't quite mastered yet is siphoning directly from the universe and releasing massive amounts of energy. She has pulled that off once or twice, but doesn't know how to do it consciously.

That's a bit like Superman's new trick.

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