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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Better than in front.
Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 at 01:29:37 pm EST (Viewed 695 times)
Reply Subj: He's behind you.
Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 at 10:32:26 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    Yes, Liu Xi has some urgent problems with Slithis and the Void Spectre. But Liu Xi is choosing to attend to Sally's problems first, which is an act of compassion and generosity unlike many that Sally has experienced. She finds it difficult to accept non-sexual relationships with men, so she's not really bonded to any of the male team - CSFB! might actually be her first close male team-mate by actually sleeping with her in a sort of therapeutic manner! - so Liu Xi reaching out is a MASSIVE thing to Sally.

That all makes sense, but it's not the first thing I thought of while reading it. It does make more sense if Sally looks up to her as the survivor she wishes she was. I also read it tainted by past personal experience of attempts helping of strangers being taken very badly.

    There are a number of players in the field, but Iscanean Went is part of a team, the New Pantheon. He's not the leader. Lara got offered a try-out for a spot too, but she turned it down. You'll notice she's not around to help out the LL this time. The New Pantheon made sure she couldn't interfere.

To use a timely Star Wars analogy, Lara is about halfway between Jedi and Sith: Strong sense of what's right but willing to bend it pretty far, and a very strong conscience. The Jedi order wouldn't believe she'd uphold their values, and the Sith order wouldn't believe she had the hunger for power necessary to survive.

So it completely makes sense they'd retcon her somewhere else because she's unpredictable. Even if they retconned her to accept membership in their team, they'd STILL retcon her away, since she's be too likely to dislike what they're doing and turn on them.

The one person they probably forgot to retcon away though is Faite, because she has the annoying tendency to see it coming and vanish entirely until she decides to reappear at a time convenient only for herself. Of course, if she was around she probably wouldn't really do anything but visit nu-Hood to mock him about his bad retcon choices and that he's already doomed himself to destruction.

    Feel free to speculate. Rhiannon put it all together as she was reading it and accused me of being, well, things a daughter should not say about her father.

The Earth collision with another Earth-sized object leads me to believe, at the very least, that it's a garbage dump for broken dimensional Earths that have been destroyed already.

    He pays attention, for sure, but Jay's used that cap for a very long time, from back when the poster regularly wrote his stories. Poster-Jay generally restricted Hatman to sporting team caps in the early days and the Tampa Bay Lightning Bolts (hockey team) was one of his go-tos. If Hatty is picking up ideas from Lara it is more likely to be in application of the power.

That's definitely possible. Maybe he was afraid to use extremely high voltages because they seemed to be too difficult to control and could accidentally kill allies around him - until he saw Lara use it in a very controlled manner, without touching anyone she wanted to keep safe.

It's too easy for someone to think of a shotgun as too inaccurate and too collateral-damaging until you see a real pro use one with absolute pinpoint accuracy.

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