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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Someone has to be.
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 at 09:29:46 am EST (Viewed 385 times)
Reply Subj: Proud of his hubris
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 at 08:37:54 am EST (Viewed 1 times)

    That explains somewhat why she shuns the spotlight in the PV.

She tries to, but it might catch up to her eventually. Either way, in the PV, because she's not isolated she can hide *behind* people rather than just hiding by herself.

    As for Faite, like all other major beings with the power to improve things who elect (for what are probably very good reasons) not to, the Hood ultimately holds her culpable of neglect. It's like the atheist railing that if God existed he should fix poverty and end suffering.

That's why I mentioned that, because the Hood may see it as neglect, but Faite would clearly explain the futility of always being in control. She would explain that it's an endless fight, and that there will always be that one thing that escapes control and makes it all useless.

She is also somewhat meta-textual, and will explain that escaping the Parodyverse will only leave him powerless and lost as everyone else on the planet. Probably even *less* effective than the creators he wants to destroy, because he's not familiar with survival without powers, and they are.

    What's the mechanism by which she processes and stores the power? Is it some biological process or some kind of weirder quantum thing? She's somehow drawing energy across distance and storing it, but where? You mentioned a kind of sub-space that might be like a storage bank for her.

Every cell in the human body has the capability to store energy. She's been genetically modified to store way more than a normal human. The conversion of herself to energy is based on an actual physics theory called spooky quantum entanglement. It's done by spiritual will alone, and because of the complexity of it, it's the first power she loses when her energy reserves drop.

That means she always has to be careful, because the one power she needs to escape and keep herself safe is the one she loses *first*. She always has to keep a reserve so she doesn't end up discharged and helpless, facing a powerful enemy. Like I noted below, she does know how to fight a little, but it won't help much against someone like Dark Thugos.

Her tendency to re-form upon death is part of the natural balance of the universe she comes from, and is completely beyond her control. She never knows where she'll end up after, or how much time will pass in between. Fortunately, it's generally a pretty short time.

    But that wouln't mean there were no bad guys who might take advantage of the shift in power. In a world where suddenly there's no super-team to stop your war or terrorism the advantage goes to those who excel at corporate aggression and military force. And of course it becomes open season on the now-unpowered former heroes.

One thing to note there is that because Lara can weild electricity, she's also intimately familiar with how it works - and more importantly, how to keep those around her safe. If she can't use it from her own body anymore, she may just find another source of it, and she'll know how to do so safely.

The Psychic Samurai will just fall back on her training, and it will have virtually no effect on her whatsoever.

Yuki is the same - no super-powers, only off-the-shelf hardware. She'll probably suffer no ill effects.

Nena and Anna are also mostly off-the-shelf hardware, may just become the two most powerful beings in the Parodyverse.

Liu Xi may panic a little bit, because losing access to elements feels like missing a piece of herself.

Faite will probably just go into hiding.

    I'm not following Superman myself, but I'm given to understand that he has learned how to burn off his stored solar energy in one massive burst, leaving him de-powered for around twenty-four hours afterwards.

That happened in Supergirl too. I guess it kind of makes sense.

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