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Anime Jason 

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Subj: A rather crusty one, at that.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 at 05:14:46 pm EST (Viewed 466 times)
Reply Subj: Did you just make a pie pun?
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 at 03:40:58 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    In this case, Vinnie's goals do match - the chance to avert something that would otherwise inevitably eventually kill the Parodyverse. The taunt about "a real sorcerer supreme" not hesitating to make the hard, edgy call goes right to his weak spot.

I'm surprised that still bothers him, since Liu Xi has been so encouraging with him.

    All of which may tell Chiaki that the mystery opponent is well-informed about the obstacles that must be removed and how to do that without always relying on force.

Of course she would quietly wonder why the opponent hasn't tried removing her, as she may not be the biggest obstacle but she is the closest.

    Good distinctions.

Out of those, the biggest difference between Lara and Chiaki, though they use a similar strategy, is that Chiaki is more aware of her vulnerability, since she doesn't have formidable powers that Lara does. That usually means Chiaki is prone to attacking more viciously, because she knows she won't have a second chance. It's also how she gets a scarier reputation than Lara.

    There are some more consequences too. Chiaki is now in Faerie, somewhat insulted from the effects that were crippling her.

At least she'll have some relief, but it might be scary for her to have broken off contact with Earth so suddenly.

    Now Magweed is effectively trespassing in the Faerie Queene's backyard (and also that of the Unseelie King, who is another nasty problem we probably won;t look at in this story, but...). Magweed, Griffin, and Sam just could not take on the overwhelming hordes of servitors that Mab could array against them, or the strategies she might use. But look at the line-up of skills and personal qualities that are arrayed beside Magweed now, from Mumphrey and the Hooded Hood, through the Baroness, Moo, and Boss Deadeyes and their primary minions, to Lara, Chiaki and the acting sorcerer supreme, to the newest cosmic office-holders dealing in luck and borders. That's a force that would make any dimesional regent pause and think hard before starting something.

And one of them can teleport the entire unruly mob to Mab's doorstep. But, like I said, she has very little motivation to interfere, and will generally leave well enough alone unless Mab gives her a compelling reason.

Speaking of which, most of the evil types that Lara has ever seriously harmed or killed, it happened to them solely because they weren't smart enough to leave her alone.

    I'll cover some of that in the next issue, because it should be fun to see what that very unusual collection can accomplish! I'll be adding in another old ally of the Psychic Samurai's too, so there'll be a bit of a personal stake for her also.

That doesn't narrow down the list very much.

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