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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: Only different.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 07:52:08 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Same result.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 05:35:42 pm EST (Viewed 1163 times)


      I would have sent in Baroness Morbo but we already had three alpha woman with mean-girl tendencies.

    Then it really would be the Choir Menstrual.

It's also one reason why Akiko Masamune wasn't there; but mostly her interests are not really threatened by the current situation. "All the superheroes lose their powers and only my highly-trained but human assasins will be left" is not really a crisis for her.



      I'm about halfway through it but will probably need some sleep before returning to writing since I've been up since 10am yearday and it is now 11am today.

    Generally students are supposed to suffer through the all nighter. Not their parents.

It is unfortunate that Alex is studying Management, which is how I make my living, so I do have some applicable knowledge to call upon; just not the sort that neccessarily helps with essays on Production System Theory. "His model is bollocks and that one is total rubbish," isn't neccessarily the best academinc response to beloved seminal texts.





    I'm betting some of your "noted"s are now just red herrings.

No, none are. I really did note things.


      Let me know about the typos and errors in the Vinnie book too. I heard back from a reviewer last week who liked the content but had very bad things to say about the proofreading of that volume. I may make Chillwater Press issue a revised edition.


I lost patience with publishers when I got up (at 11pm) today. Delays on Holmes vs Houdini have become ridiculous (delay in cover art - it had better turn out that Michelangelo had a heavy project slate) and I'm supposed to do an hour-long audio interview on Sunday to promote the release.

I therefore decided to stop being patient and holding back Labours of Hercules, my next novel, which is a fantasy epic about what it says in the title, so today I signed off on proofs and it's going to press as of 15 minutes ago. I just hope this manuscript is more error-free than Vinnie De Soth, Jobbing Occultist evidently was.

    Exactly. Al B. will do all he can to use 'normal' science to solve some of the pressing issues for endangered friends and folk though. Frustrating as it will be to him.

Al can still weird science on Parody Island for now. See part two/nine. Oh, you did...

    And onto part two:

    I wish I had a Hallie hologram to prompt me in the mornings with motivational "you can do it!" encouragement. Really I do.

You'd end up throwing things through her.

And it's worse when it's not a hologram but rather a Parodyverse poster of yore kicking you and breezing, "C'mon, Watson, let's go running!"

Did I mention that my time actually dating Shep lasted less than six weeks?

    Glad to see the LL are starting to get into action.

I like my heroes to be competent even if they're also silly.

    The Hallie/Visionary moments were very touching, and I enjoyed seeing Fleabot again - poor little tyke.

He's a good foil for Hallie.

    I'm not sure shunting everyone off to Lemuria is a wise idea - but can't think of a better one. It will be a trying time for them all - don't need Vespiir's foresight to see that.

    Does time move differently there?

I believe it can do.

    Anyway - I'm sure Cody would be willing to hang out with the scantily clad Caphan to act as her translator. Maybe she can teach him a thing or two? He's pretty green as well - a different green.

There are still five or six Caphans based at Lemuria for whom hospitality-giving is an artform. Feel free to add a tie-in.

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