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Subj: I don't know... I understand that it can be rather trying already...
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 07:52:50 pm EST (Viewed 450 times)
Reply Subj: "People with lactose intolerance are clearly just not trying hard enough." - Tao of Moo
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 08:02:05 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)

Previous Post

    Evacuating whomever we can to Lemuria is a good start. We're still very much responding though... it's beginning to look like the last act of "Titanic". We're going to have to figure this out enough to get ahead of it and go on the offensive, sometime... preferably before the ship actually sinks.

That's pretty much the through-line of this issue. Last time was all "the problems crop up". This time it's "the ramifications must be addresed". Hopefully our concluding issue will be "things get explained and dealt with". Such is my naieve plan.

    Good chapter nonetheless... Hallie's little microsecond affirmation was a nice touch, the emotional stuff was played right (Hallie pulls off excellent kissing scenes), and it's definitely good to see everyone sharing notes. The Lair has become an island in more ways than one. Or maybe it's best thought of as a bridge now?

It may be a fortress, where everyone shelters against the dangers abroad.

Parody Island does have a lighthouse, after all.

    Nice to hear that you can count on goats running on time in a crisis though.

It'll be bad when they finally do lose the ability to fly, though.

    Aside from the theories that others have put out, I can think of a villain for whom all of this would be like the dream realization of his entire life's work: Desmond Djinn and his organization. Sure he originally was targeting the supernatural/mystical side of things, but he had already expanded that to include the LL, and that was before he was apparently taken out in a fight involving fairies, ghouls, Vizh, the psychic samurai, Hallie, the Shoggoth, Yo, the Yurt (more or less), Lui Xi, Cosmic Offices, folding dimensions and so on. If he had somehow survived, I doubt he would care to make exceptions based on the origin of weirdness any longer.

Indeed. In fact Vrykoulakas even suspected him or a successor of the vampire problems.

    That said, suspecting him or his people is like suspecting the Punisher if a planet full of villains was wiped out. Fits his motive, sure, but is significantly beyond his usual means.

It is possible that there may be more than one antagonist.


    And since the ability to quote the prior message has fled me once again, my sympathies on the all-nighter and your participation in it. I hope that it works out for Alex.

Likewise. But it's not like I didn't pull stupid student deadline stunts in my time. This is really just karma.

Sorry that I have been absent... I have now completed a trek to the parent's place for the holidays. It's a bit odd to be in a land of palm trees and sun after leaving a frozen wasteland, but I shall endure. Perhaps with a margarita by the pool.

Or perhaps I won't endure, what with the apparent arrival of the Apostate. That guy is a jerk. But honestly, I enjoy the group that's on site to deal with him. Lara, Davidowicz, Vicki and company are up to the task! Especially since I don't want to do it.

Sorry to hear about the backstabbing. That's got to hurt. So was Magenta working for the Apostate as well, or are there more players yet to show?

Enjoyable look in on the moon as well, made even more fun with Nats and Uhuna. (
Someone should really get that woman some paper towels to wipe the shoggoth goo off her hands...)

Bad news that we need to deal with that creepy tomb thing. Such a shame that Time Travel no longer works. Ah well... nothing to do about it now. Best to move on to plan B...

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