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Al B. Harper
has read too many UT to already know the answer to that.

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: A dead body is a dead body - isn't it?
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 09:22:18 pm EST (Viewed 1266 times)
Reply Subj: Only different.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 07:52:08 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)

    It's also one reason why Akiko Masamune wasn't there; but mostly her interests are not really threatened by the current situation. "All the superheroes lose their powers and only my highly-trained but human assasins will be left" is not really a crisis for her.


"What do you MEAN my suit cannot be mended because this shade of hot pink is ONLY available from the scent gland of a Mythlands creature!"

    It is unfortunate that Alex is studying Management, which is how I make my living, so I do have some applicable knowledge to call upon; just not the sort that neccessarily helps with essays on Production System Theory. "His model is bollocks and that one is total rubbish," isn't neccessarily the best academinc response to beloved seminal texts.

It's ironic that one of the first things they don't teach in management degrees is time management.

    No, none are. I really did note things.

I often read your "noted" reply as "I'm noting this and intend to use it later" or "I'm noting that you have guessed correctly" and so on.

You may be amazed at how much you have been communicating (or not) through a simple notation.

    I lost patience with publishers when I got up (at 11pm) today. Delays on Holmes vs Houdini have become ridiculous (delay in cover art - it had better turn out that Michelangelo had a heavy project slate) and I'm supposed to do an hour-long audio interview on Sunday to promote the release.

I saw a Homes compilation in a bookshop yesterday and picked it up to see if it was one of yours (it wasn't).

    I therefore decided to stop being patient and holding back Labours of Hercules, my next novel, which is a fantasy epic about what it says in the title, so today I signed off on proofs and it's going to press as of 15 minutes ago. I just hope this manuscript is more error-free than Vinnie De Soth, Jobbing Occultist evidently was.

Ooo - congratulations. And yes - let's hope so. Those labours are hard enough without a typo getting them all muddled I'd imagine.

    You'd end up throwing things through her.

Doesn't seem so bad.

    And it's worse when it's not a hologram but rather a Parodyverse poster of yore kicking you and breezing, "C'mon, Watson, let's go running!"

*thinks* "A running Parodvyersian? DBS woke you up?"

    Did I mention that my time actually dating Shep lasted less than six weeks?

Heh heh - Oh Shep. I'd go running with Shep if she woke me up to do so.

    I like my heroes to be competent even if they're also silly.


    He's a good foil for Hallie.

He needs a solo issue. Fleabot #1.

    Does time move differently there?

    I believe it can do.

So...after the dust on all this has settled, and the LL go to let the folk/beasts/vampires on Lemuria out again, they may find that twenty years have past in there.

The Vampires are in the ascendancy, the robosapians have merged to form one life-form: Mega-Robo-Saur. And the few remnants of people, SeaMonkies, and others, not yet dead or undead, are left defending the magical tree house in the middle of a bubblebath lake in the centre of the island?

    There are still five or six Caphans based at Lemuria for whom hospitality-giving is an artform. Feel free to add a tie-in.

I'd have to go study up on my Caphans again before I do that.

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