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Anime Jason 

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Subj: That's what I tell people (edited).
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 12:32:47 pm EST (Viewed 501 times)
Reply Subj: Hence computers.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 01:35:27 am EST (Viewed 3 times)

    As opposed to the TV shows where the hero gets shot in the shoulder, wins the fight, and saves the day clutching one hand to his wound, and then is better by the last scene.

Those have always annoyed me, even when it's supposed to be funny like in Lethal Weapon. Because he's getting too old for this.

    In some days its reminiscent of how some Black people must have felt about other Black people "passing as White" to avoid prejudice; but also most human-shaped robots are designed and built for human entertainment, so it's also the wolves laughing at the dogs.

It's an age-old battle where the non-humanoid robots think the humanoid ones are privileged because they don't have to struggle to fit in. And yet they do, because they don't quite fit with humans, but they're rejected by the other robots, too.

Anna is more forgiving about those perceptions. Nena is not. The difference might be that at one point Nena was deactivated because she was deemed too dangerous.

    She could possibly worry a little.

Just because Chiaki said she'd live doesn't mean she won't get hurt in the mean time. Lara is worried about that.

    We know she's been meditationg and trying to sort through the confusion of what she's seeing. What she actually sees clearest then is a murder; or rather a different murder each time at the same place in the same way.

Chiaki would definitely run off to solve that one on her own, if the knows the Lair Legion is busy. She can handle one serial killer. Now if it's a whole cult, she might have a problem.

And now comments on the new stuff:

Lara wouldn't answer Cathode's very specific question because she wouldn't want to be the one to deliver the news that something might be wrong with Cathode's upgrades. There may or may not be, but Lara's own impression of what using electricity feels like is a non-harmful ant-crawling sensation and heat all over, strongest in the extremities. The intensity tells her how much power she's using. Then again, it might be personality based; Lara is generally very relaxed when she uses her power.

I'd think Lara would be secretly amused by VelcroVixen. She could already tell VV is trying to be tough to assert herself and to scare the real bad guys in line, and maybe because she's a little frightened of the superhero in the midst. But she also sees that VV is really honest and focused, and she'd be impressed by that.

That might come in handy at some point. She's generally a quiet and passive person, but because her time with both her super team back home and the Lair Legion here means she has learned to take control and make quick decisions when everything starts falling apart. She's not above stunning the entire bridge crew and taking command, though she'd try to avoid it unless it looks like the only option.

She has been aboard a starship before, and knows not to try and siphon too much power from them. They tend to fall out of balance and explode violently, because they were never designed to have an energy being suck power out of them. It would be like rolling an industrial steel oven onto a cruise ship and plugging it into the main generator. It won't be the main generator for more than a few seconds.

By the way, as an aside, the Trade Alliance would be watching the conflict in space from far far away, and waiting to see who wins. They believe wars over faith are never profitable even in the long run; they're very expensive. And making enemies hinders trade.

There's an exception to that, though. If the fanatics prove to be hindering trade themselves, and they're winning - or they start attacking Alliance ships - the highly bureaucratic Galactic Government might finally get around to labeling them hostiles. That wouldn't mean a direct attack, but simply authorizing military and free-trader (corporate and independent) ships to destroy them on sight. That wouldn't mean the hunt is on, just that they would no longer have safe passage through Alliance territory.

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