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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: The Nothing.
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 at 06:15:00 pm EST (Viewed 389 times)
Reply Subj: Chargeless Neutrinoly
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 at 08:38:51 am EST (Viewed 3 times)

    Maybe we should have an annual virtual convention?

Brilliant idea!

    “Alright, you arrant knave, where is she? Out with it! What have you done with Miss Shellett?”

Yeah Hood, you knave!

I read that a while ago, it is a good review. I wonder if he has read your next book in the series yet? I really need to make some time to go and ensure I've given you ratings on Amazon, for what it's worth.

    I believe CSFB! sought a different operating paradigm for the LL.

His heart was in the right place.

    I cheated by using three of the archetypal stories. Vahiir and Kaara was pretty much "Boy Rescues Girl" with a few twists and complications. The Liberation of Caph was drawn straight from those late 18th century pocket-European-country adventure yarns where the lost prince returns to oust the evil usurper. The last one was the Homecoming/Restitution storyline with added Galactivac to perk things up a bit.

Ah, now I know the secret!

    At some point there are a few more "guided tour" links pages I'd like to have on file. We really should have easy-use pages for all the round robins at least. There are also some excellent series runs that are currently hard to trace although present in the archives. The oldest might be the original Abandoned Legion material. The most recent one is the "Pagan Idol" stuff.

Sounds good to me! In my searching the back issues box I was enjoying re-reading Hatman's Abandoned Legion stuff recently. There is so much content out there it surprises me. I recently discovered there were 22 chapters of Al B. Harper! Just how that occurred - I know not.

    There are archive gaps where people had their own sites at the time and I didn't bother duplicating, so the early archive is weak on stuff from Finny, DK, spiffy, DarkHwk, AG, and Ziles. There's also a significant gap between the earliest materials (which I copied from spiffy and Banjooo's site before it vanished) and when Xander started collecting stuff that he eventually passed over to me, probably about the time of UT#20. So although there were prolific posts from Jarvis, Lisa, Chronicler, Messenger, Zemo et. al., few of them have survived for posterity.

Possibly only on those folks hard-drives now, if at all. There's some Messenger stuff in the archives here, but I've noticed that even though the posts (titles) here are archived back to 2004 a lot of the content isn't - clicking the posts just leads to a 404 error page. The actual archives seem to stop at 2008. I found some links to an Al B./KS EEE! story line I'd forgotten about, a Dancer story, a collaboration between Visionary, Al B. and Dancer titled "Welcome Home" which I have no memory of at all. Pity I couldn't read the content.

It may all be stored on your site yet - I haven't checked.


      I stumbled across a Shoggoth database page the other day but now I can't find the link for the life of me. History doesn't help either.

Hmm, it may have been. it was a few days ago and memory is sketchy. I thought it had a yellowish background, was more database like in style, and wasn't at the chillwater site but another place. Perhaps I was confused or maybe I stumbled across the rare Shoggoth website which only appears once every Millennium?

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