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Anime Jason 

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Subj: We don't need that kind of language.
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 at 09:52:03 pm EST (Viewed 375 times)
Reply Subj: Tempus fugit.
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 at 07:30:26 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)

    Mumphrey hasn't really reacted positively to it. One of his earliest enemies, Captain Black (ancestor of Tom Black), not only seduced and betrayed Mumph's sister and drove her to suicide but returned in the modern era to torture Mumph's daughter and son-in-law (Samantha Featherstone's parents) to death. Mumph dropped the guy in a black hole. During world war II Mumph was comprehensively tortured by Nazi specialist Herr Wertham and it was clear that it wasn't a new experience. Herr Wertham was eventualy aged around a hundred thousand years and his dust scattered.

Lara might take issue with that based on a similar philosophy to Chiaki's: That the dead learn nothing. So Lara would probably lash out by keeping the person alive, but find some way to make them incredibly miserable so they wish they were dead. Funny thing though is she'd probably hurt them less for torturing her than for torturing someone she cares about.

    James Bond stories require a set of "buy-ins" from the reader, of which his ability to function as a spy in the manner he does is only one. And yet Bond's creator, Ian Fleming, did work for British Military Intelligence in the 40s so perhaps he knew something we didn't.

If you follow from movie-to-movie, there's a post-novel theory that "James Bond" is a code name that gets re-used through generations of spies. In that case, it would be a pseudonym, which doesn't put the holder of the name at any real risk.

    It's probably fair to assume that many of the combat-based heroes regularly train to hone their abilities, e.g. Dark Knight, Messenger etc. There are others who probably skimp on it such as ManMan and spiffy.

Lara Night would be one that doesn't train much other than an average person, aside from her fighting/martial arts lessons.

    Or she unexpectedly discovers a new passion for something or someone and it's the best thing in her life.

It would be a long time before that happens - she'd have to get over the depression first.

Even without being lost or stuck, right now, part of what keeps her so lonely is she doesn't feel like it's fair to bond with someone at home or in the PV too closely, because then she ends up having to abandon them for a while. That, and the whole being immortal thing means she would have to watch them die eventually.

If she were no longer immortal, couldn't go home, and had no superhero career to worry about, that might change. But at first she'd feel intense loss, and take a long while to get over it.

    Funny you should say that because they have a part to play in the plot.

It wasn't so unexpected.

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