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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Tempus fugit.
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 at 07:30:26 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: It's only midnight here.
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 at 12:03:27 am EST (Viewed 653 times)


      He feels it all and remembers. He's been tortured a lot, though.

    Lara hasn't really been tortured, and probably wouldn't take it well.

Mumphrey hasn't really reacted positively to it. One of his earliest enemies, Captain Black (ancestor of Tom Black), not only seduced and betrayed Mumph's sister and drove her to suicide but returned in the modern era to torture Mumph's daughter and son-in-law (Samantha Featherstone's parents) to death. Mumph dropped the guy in a black hole. During world war II Mumph was comprehensively tortured by Nazi specialist Herr Wertham and it was clear that it wasn't a new experience. Herr Wertham was eventualy aged around a hundred thousand years and his dust scattered.


      That, and the world's best known spy announcing himself by his actual name.

    The irony would be real-world Keiko being paid a mint to kill him, because he's so easy to find.

James Bond stories require a set of "buy-ins" from the reader, of which his ability to function as a spy in the manner he does is only one. And yet Bond's creator, Ian Fleming, did work for British Military Intelligence in the 40s so perhaps he knew something we didn't.


      There are some heroes who already work at skills that aren't related to their powers: Hatman, for example, regularly trains in unarmed combat. Others, like CSFB!, are so intimately linked to their powers as to be almost inseperable. Those latter people might struggle most in the scenario we're considering.

    I think I mentioned in some story about Chiaki and Hatman exchanging training.

It's probably fair to assume that many of the combat-based heroes regularly train to hone their abilities, e.g. Dark Knight, Messenger etc. There are others who probably skimp on it such as ManMan and spiffy.

    She'd [Lara] probably initially become scared about not being able to go home, then regret her coming to the PV at all, and then resign to "maybe it's not so bad, staying here", but still be kind of depressed about it. Like a flying creature whose had its wings clipped, and now has to live as a pet.

Or she unexpectedly discovers a new passion for something or someone and it's the best thing in her life.


      The way I'd structure it is with a small group of time-lost travellers trying to work out what's happened and the rest of the cast coping - or struggling to cope - in the present day.

    They won't be expecting the Spanish Inquisition, though.

Funny you should say that because they have a part to play in the plot.

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