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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: Chargeless Neutrinoly
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 at 08:38:51 am EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Positively.
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 at 05:12:39 am EST (Viewed 387 times)

    And it's nice to read what you deliver when you do drop by. I've enjoyed the re-jigging these past few weeks.

Maybe we should have an annual virtual convention?


      I do have another Untold Tales to post but I think I'm going to wait a few days and give it another pass before doing it. I suspect it might grow a little.

    OK, I will be waiting. Feel free to post a little filler for us to whet our appetites.

“Alright, you arrant knave, where is she? Out with it! What have you done with Miss Shellett?”

    When I shifted Mumph, Vinnie, and the EEE cast to their own novels it took a bit more heavy lifting.

    I imagine so. From my reading of them thus far you have done it well. It's more the new-to-the-whole-thing response you'd be more interested in though I imagine.

The reviews on that series have been overhwelmingly positive, such as this one from the British Fantasy Society: http://www.britishfantasysociety.org/reviews/sir-mumphrey-wilton-and-the-lost-city-of-mystery-by-i-a-watson-book-review/ Reader feedback has also been encouraging. I really need to free some time to get back to this stuff.


      The events happened seperately in the UT issues featuring the most recent big line-up reshuffle.

    Things were happening fast and furious back then from memory.

I believe CSFB! sought a different operating paradigm for the LL.


      In retrospect I've only ever really spotlighted the Caphans three times.

    From my memory, the tone of each arch was quite different as well - despite the characters being similar/the same. So I guess in that regard you were successful there.

I cheated by using three of the archetypal stories. Vahiir and Kaara was pretty much "Boy Rescues Girl" with a few twists and complications. The Liberation of Caph was drawn straight from those late 18th century pocket-European-country adventure yarns where the lost prince returns to oust the evil usurper. The last one was the Homecoming/Restitution storyline with added Galactivac to perk things up a bit.

    Is it good to have a list of "excellent arrogant gestures I have made"?Probably.

Good or bad, I have a lengthy list anyway.


      As for Dancer's page being available, that's because it, like pages for Donar, DBS, Nats, Epitome and probably some others that slip my mind are all hosted in my website. They've been gathering dust on there for years.

    Heh, some of them are greyed out for me already. I've been lurking in your links Ian.

At some point there are a few more "guided tour" links pages I'd like to have on file. We really should have easy-use pages for all the round robins at least. There are also some excellent series runs that are currently hard to trace although present in the archives. The oldest might be the original Abandoned Legion material. The most recent one is the "Pagan Idol" stuff.

There are archive gaps where people had their own sites at the time and I didn't bother duplicating, so the early archive is weak on stuff from Finny, DK, spiffy, DarkHwk, AG, and Ziles. There's also a significant gap between the earliest materials (which I copied from spiffy and Banjooo's site before it vanished) and when Xander started collecting stuff that he eventually passed over to me, probably about the time of UT#20. So although there were prolific posts from Jarvis, Lisa, Chronicler, Messenger, Zemo et. al., few of them have survived for posterity.

    I stumbled across a Shoggoth database page the other day but now I can't find the link for the life of me. History doesn't help either.

Could it have been at http://www.chillwater.org.uk/HH/background/shoggoth%20summary.htm ?

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