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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Undoubtedly
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 at 06:40:51 pm EST (Viewed 416 times)
Reply Subj: Absolutely
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 at 09:47:34 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    Less is not the same as none.

    It's [writing out absent posters etc.] an ongoing preference. retruning to the PV for a while required me to think things out a bit more consciously.

I think it makes sense.

    Well, I do enjoy PV stories but they have such a very small currency now, no more than three or four people really, so I don't feel I can indulge myself much. If we still had a thriving, active, populated community I'd certainly be there. They are also quite easy to write, so I don't really have to challenge myself to improve or innovate.

As one of those three to four people - feel free to indulge!

Would you say they're easy to write due to the specific characters and your knowledge of them, or is it the genre itself? In other words, would you find it as easy to write a parody-superhero team with a different set of heroes?

    That bit is just a matter of channeling my inner Mumphrey. Or inner Hooded Hood.

I'd bet they would know to behave when your eyes flash green.

    "Premium Delivery To The Centre of the Earth" does in fact include a character who somewhat matches that description. It is possible she may encounter our hapless hero.


    The current on-Earth Caphan line-up is somewhat more diverse than the previous nione pleasure slaves. If I ever got round to using some of them in a story then the dynamic might be different.

    Mostly I need to establish how Vespiir and MLF function as part of the Juniors.

I know you mentioned it the other day but don't even remember them becoming members. I'm going to have to go back and re-read recent back issues again. Not an unpleasant thing and I am still on holidays.

    In terms of their main plot, though, they [The Caphans] became a much more protracted and complicated version of Valeria of Carfax, who was previously ceded to a Legionnaire as a slave and ended up retrning home in triumph. I felt in retrospect with Val that I could have played out the themes better and more coherently. I'm not sure I succeeded with the Caphans either, but it wasn't for want of trying.

I'll have to go back and re-read the content with this in mind. To me at least there will always be a little tongue-in-cheek parody to 1960's sci-fi green skinned sex aliens Capt. Kirk and co meet to them. Despite your noble efforts to develop more than that.

    In terms of translating Caphans to my novels, I'm cautious for another reason too. As you'll recall from our conversations via e-mail I go to some lengths to make sure that I strain out other posters' IP except where they have granted explicit and specific permission. Some of the Caphans' key development came in Vizh stories and perhaps one DBS story, and their interactions with Visionary certainly defined their PV versions. I'm not sure if they work as well seperated from those incidents.

Probably not as well, no. There is more to your overall body of work to draw on than the Caphans anyway, i would suggest. Failing that could you adapt the main theme to a whole new set of characters without the lingering issues that go with them?

    I would surely love to check that my now-rather-ancient consent from Shep to use Dancer in stories was still current, though. She'd make an interesting lead character or a foil for Vinnie - and she'd bring Kerry and FA along too.

Well...you did write her first story, (coincidentally I know this because I was just lurking in the depths of PV/BZL online history earlier - and Dancer's page is still available).

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