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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Deconstructing Part 2...
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 at 07:32:36 am EDT (Viewed 359 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Deconstructing Part 2...
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 at 04:40:45 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)


      That's one thing Lara would consider. It might be someone up the line would use the General's death as an excuse to ramp things up - so Lara killing Hodgekiss may only result in a full-scale military assault on the Lair Mansion with bomber planes and everything. She generally tries to avoid creating scenarios where the cure is worse than the disease. Lara may not be afraid of killing if it's necessary, but she's not blindly violent, either.

    Once the LL or their allies push back like that the superhero war begins.

The above assumes the war has *already* begun - Lara doesn't want to be the cause of a war, but if she can stop one through a single violent act (without it causing even more problems) she sure will. Either way, the point is that she wouldn't be doing like Hatman and when faced with killing someone to stop a war, saying "there has to be another way". There's a huge personality difference there, and it could be shocking to the LL someday since they might not really know what she's capable of.

    If Graham has evidence that would stand up in court he'd use it. it's probably fair to assume he doesn't.

Maybe not *yet*, but he has detectives to find that evidence. And yes, it's probably more likely once those detectives find that evidence (he may send them in for a "light touch" investigation - keep your head down, keep quiet, and gather evidence) he'd just file an indictment instead of making a showy arrest. Then the state police would be forced to do the arresting part for him.

    I'll be covering this in the next Untold Tales.

At least he'll meet Grace O'Mercy again at Phantomhawk.

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