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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: It's dangerous that close to the fire.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 at 04:00:56 am EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Part 2: Fortunately they were only second-degree burns.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 at 11:48:34 pm EST (Viewed 1074 times)

    First I should say...uh-oh, CSFB! at a press conference can't be good by anyone's measure.

Next issue: Yuki rips off CSFB!'s head.

    With Dark Thugos, it's hard to tell if he *wants* Liu Xi, Anna, and Chiaki to figure out the mystery, or if he simply wants them out of the way so they can't defend Lara, or if he wants them to get killed. Or maybe all three.

That Thugos is a tricky one for sure. I'll chronicle the investigation next issue, but since there's 24 hours of downtime on Apocalyspe in between if you wanted to tie-in with a character piece for the tourists there's no reason not to. They've each got a lot of discuss.

    Then again, maybe as resistant to reading as Thugos is, Chiaki might be psychic enough to realize if she's in for a death sentence at least.

She'd probably be able to work out that he'd not wish them destroyed providing they proved themselves strong enough. He's all about the Darwin.

    It also looks to me like Thugos used Ms Peel's defeat at Lara's hands as a test (either prepared or not) and wants that kind of power on his side. I wonder if that also implies that she'll be given little choice, as either her friends, or perhaps Earth, could be held hostage.

Thugos is making some moves, certainly, capitalising on the situation in the Imperium and the opportunity to speak to Lara while he's got the maximum advantage.

It's not a power issue: Thugos' Entropy Eyebeams can chase a target across time and space and would probably only stop following Lara when she shifted to her home dimension; but they'd be waiting for her if she ever came back again so she'd be exiled from the Parodyverse forever. It's more that he genuinely believes that exhausted, shattered people at the end of their resources are much more interesting. Now he can speak to the "essential" Lara.

    Or maybe I'm underestimating a more "modern" Dark Thugos, who simply wants Lara to negotiate with Earth and/or the Lair Legion for him.

He has a point of view to espouse. He might be trying for a conversion. He might just be measuring up a potential enemy or ally. Who knows?

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