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Subj: Because Shoggoths are full of giggles
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 07:37:38 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Not as funny though.
Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 at 09:48:18 pm EST (Viewed 406 times)

    It's not the technique I'm referring to, but the human perception of it. It's like you look at a solid wall, but not only is the wall not solid, but it has infinite space within it. Not only does that pretty much cause your brain's sense of perception to break, but it's impossible to resolve logically. So either Liu Xi has become accustomed to having her perception broken, or she found a way to resolve it or accept it somehow.

That would seem to be as good an explanation as any.


      The Edler gods shouldn't be in the Parodyverse. They're a disease, a cancer. They can't exist within the laws of physics of a regular universe. While those laws previal, the elder gods "sleep" or are "dead". When they're awake what they do is rewrite the laws so they can exist, creating a place inimical to human life, where time and space and dimensions and mass and energy and life and death are meaningless. Without any of those reference points and bombarded with utterly incomprehensible alternative elements no human mind could cope.

    That might be part of the answer - since Liu Xi is an elementalist, she probably "feels" those impossible elements, so she's in touch with them the way no other human can be. She becomes a part of that universe. That might make it so she feels as if she was born with them, even though she doesn't understand them.

She'll need to beware. As I say, those elements are effectively diseased. If she's infected she'll be consumed and something else will be looking out from behind her eyes.

    Another interesting question is if Liu Xi spends too much time in the Shoggoth's universe, if she has problems adapting to the human one again.



      The Shoggoth warps reality around him on a much smaller scale but he's essentially a pocket of different physical laws moving about the Parodyverse. The same is true of the other lesser elder beings. All of them can access the reality that would exist if the elder gods were awake and treat it as if it already existed - because if the elder gods do awake it always will have existed. They can travel through that reality but if they drag humans with them it's the equivalent of a human living in that altered set of physical laws, the mental equivalent of a body getting immersed in chlorine gas or sulphuric acid, something totally inimical to human wellbeing.

    I thought it had to do with more abstract things, which would relate to Liu Xi's handling of void. Elements might be even easier for her, as foreign as they are, because she can feel them call to her and sense their presence. Though the atmosphere may be toxic for her after too long, she might feel a connection to it so that it feels like home as much as her real home does.

I wonder if actually Liu Xi dies the reverse of this. Perhaps she's able to clothe herself in a tiny pocket of normal elements and physics like a space suit in the same way as the Shoggoth does with his physics to survive in the mortal world.

    Of course she still might be considered slightly insane, from the average humans' point of view, simply because she understands elements at all.

She's not writing equations in her own blood on the wall of an asylum.

    Lara Night is most sensitive to sources of energy and forces of the universe. The interesting part here might be if the Shoggoth gives off some kind of very foreign energy. Lara might go in, and then come out changed - maybe not mentally, but her energy-based powers might go haywire, or they might behave unpredictably, or she could simply have radically new or different powers for a while. Nobody would know for sure. She absorbs all energy around her, so the risk is high and unpredictable.

It probably wouldn't be good. the worst case scenario would be Shema quarantining her from her home to prevent the spread of infection there.

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