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Al B. Harper

Subj: Al would rather wear nothing than fur?
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 at 08:02:04 am EST (Viewed 5 times)
Reply Subj: But what to wear?
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 at 06:03:06 am EST (Viewed 5 times)

    [quoteWARNING: This episode includes graphic violence

    I read that and thought "Pshaw I read the Hellraiser arc and survived" but then I counted at least two places where the villains discuss feeding folk bits of their own children. That's pretty sick. I'm glad they only discussed it and were trounced before doing it.

I wanted a different feel to the villainy, and visceral seemed the way to go.

    But you can't say the story didn't deliver on its promise there.

I cut it quite a bit before posting.

    I very much enjoyed the Lemuria scene at the start. I'm not sure why it stands out. The interplay between Ebony and Mirri and Vespiir maybe. Or perhaps it was just very well written.

it was written before I succumbed to utter despair about how impossible this story is to tell.

    And of course I agree with others that the EEE scene was a lot of fun. Perhaps the crews flippancy at the sound of the warning klaxons is due to what they've all been through before? Flippancy in the face of adversity?

That scene was really a last-minute addition for pacing purposes, but I'm glad people liked it.

"Emergency alarm klaxons sounding? Is it Tuesday again already?"

    And folk seem very pleased with Cody's choice of bed-fellow. I'm unsure what Al B. will think? He'll either be happy (and surprised) that Cody is taking something other than a surfing magazine to bed or appalled that is son is into furries.

I wasn't sure whether to have one or three kittens in there. Advice please?

    More importantly though what will Kinki think!

They'd make cure slippers.

    Anyway for all we know it was all completely innocent and they were braiding each other's hair or working on their manga that they're both writing/drawing or something.

Yes. That's probably it.

    *looks shifty*

Previously noted.

    But back to the main course (since that lot seem to be heading towards becoming Elder God lunch anyway).

Just hope he's only hungry.

    Flapjack's reveal all was surprising, but as Mumph notes, not so surprising given he's from a long line of those who serve.

A few people have evinced surprise at this, but the scene he's referring to was right there at the end of Saving the Future.

    L's lack of reveal all was more surprising, and it will be interesting what, if any, ramifications it ever has if that gets out. I can't see CSFB! being too understanding of such a stand, for instance.

I felt it was time to give Lee a bit of a crisis (that didn't involve his Library being threatened). I hope poster-L! shows up in time to have an input into the resolution.

    I must admit you did a fun job of showing how terrorising the Carnifex could be at the start it was a shame to see it not happen that way. Almost.

It was as near as I could get to showing how the baddie works without actually doing any damage.

    I'm wondering why he didn't have an override to Mumph's time-bubble chats though that would have allowed him to realise he'd been had? He seemed to have every other contingency worked out - well at least the powerful ones. I'm sure Mumph is powerful enough?

He's have to be actively monitoring Mumph for that, and he had his eyes on other things.

    The lighthouse scene was fun, I'd forgotten that Tandi was there? She makes for an interesting babysitter.

There are probably videos somewhere online.

    I'm not coming up with any understanding of why Chiaki must die to save that mob over on that world...so await the next bit on that in particular.


    Hmm what else...

    How cool was it to see the ACTUAL Shoggoth? Pretty cool.

He was the logical go to person... entity.

    Will we find out who tipped Vinnie off?

It was the Necromancer General. It was a trap. The Carnifex is very keen to eliminate the sorcerer supreme before the big throwdown.

    Does "Sorceress, Yo, Goldeneyed, dull thud, ManMan, Citizen Z and Alcheman answered the charge" mean that one of them will be on the next roster and we'll have to vote which one joins?

Some of them may join.

    Too many questions!!!

Too many answers that need writing!

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