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Subj: There's probably a Lisa joke in there too.
Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 at 05:00:35 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: It all goes down with a good sauce.
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 at 07:32:04 am EST (Viewed 5 times)

    Nice to hear Vespiir has more future than she sees. I think the Ebony, Vinnie and Vespiir pairing could be fun.

    Everybody's forgotten the vision she had back on Caph where she saw Kerry saying to her "Welcome to the Juniors."

Well, I don't know about everybody, but I certainly did. How old is Vespiir, in comparable human years? Do we have enough teen characters to keep a Juniors going if the current crop all graduate and/or die? (I'd say it's a rough final exam, but then I don't recall any of them paying tuition, so I suppose it's fair.)

    Wisely, Rowlins doesn't have Harry directly confront Voldemort until Book 4 (Voldemort wins), then Book 5 (Harry is rescued by Dumbledore). The final showdown isn't until Book 7 - and then Harry has help.

    In fact Harry does remarkably little successful heroic stuff after Book 2.

Again, I've only seen the movies so far, and I think the 4th one ended with the two of them pointing wands at each other and grimacing at the strain until Harry's dead parents broke the stalemate and had him run for the exit... Admittedly, I don't know how magic works, but one would hope that the most powerful evil wizard wouldn't ever be in a stalemate with a novice... and having it look that way didn't really help me take Voldemort seriously..

I think someone in my office explained there was a bit about their wands being connected that helped here, and that it wasn't really explained well in the movie. Could be. My general impression of the movies is usually "this seems like a really fun universe they've created, and I bet these stories work better in the books"... because they always seem to have kind of lackluster endings, movie-wise.

By the way, once Harry time travels at the end of the 3rd \(\?\) movie, is there a reason he never does again? I didn't catch a limitation on the doo-dad he used, so I kept wondering why he didn't just things when that Twilight vampire guy died.


    One of Gaiman's 8 rules of writing is "Always finish what you start, no matter what."

Luckily for me, I must have quit reading the list before I got to that one...

Okay, hopefully I'll get it done while there's still someone out there who wants to read it.

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