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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Noted
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 at 09:20:48 pm EST (Viewed 305 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Noted
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 at 07:29:25 pm EST (Viewed 312 times)

    By the way, I think there's got to be a good in-story reason why there can't be 1000 more Annas made. If she's such a deadly weapon that one of her can threaten the LL then there's no reason why someone, government of bad guy, wouldn't just go out and make lots more to turn on the heroes - unless you supply a reason.

    SPUD tried to make another one and failed - it turned out to be like a brainless, emotionless child. Anna's creator apparently forgot to document all the processes she used to create Anna before she went on the run, so now anyone who wants to make a copy is out of luck.

    Anna's creator is a kind of genius that could keep Al B Harper occupied. But she developed a conscience, so she gave up her work and went for the simple life in the deserted country. She still experiments with robots and artificial intelligence on the side, though. Kind of like George Lucas.

It seems to me that there are 2 parts to Anna... the hardware (her body) and the software (her mind). The software seems to be a complete failure for the "ultimate weapon" purposes... obviously, her personality isn't well suited for the job she was given... nor does she seem especially tactically minded so as to be a kind of artificial Captain America in that regard.

This makes me think that the threat she poses is in the hardware she was built with, and that's where you'd wonder why they couldn't build the same weaponry into a model that doesn't have as unique a mind (or try again going the cyborg route with a loyal human volunteer, etc...)

I don't mean the mind thing as a knock, by the way... Most all of the Vizhnar A.I.'s are considered poor designs for the roles they were ostensibly created to serve. Fleabot was supposed to spy on and kill the Legion and instead he hung out and played chess with them... if that's not a total failure of design I don't know what is. Hallie's good at her job, but it's hardly a job for which you'd spend the kind of money necessary to create such an advanced A.I. to fill. Virtual Zemo became Ultizon (and wasn't all that stable before that) and Haggie is just insane, so that really doesn't help the Vizhnar A.I. reputation. And Visionary (allegedly)... well, the whole point of that joke was to show how pointless it would be to spend the kind of money necessary to make an A.I. indistinguishable to an average person (which come relatively cheaply by comparison.)

Vizhnar was a mad scientist who likely had his own agenda when hired to make each A.I., so there's not much reason anyone else would want to copy his work... especially when there are much more stable and successful A.I. designs out there. Someone might want to replicate Fleabot's size-changing abilities (and I assume they probably have, whether it's been used to make other robots or to shrink other stuff instead... though there might be a good reason why that tech isn't in large supply.) Ultimately, though, there's not really any reason anyone would want to build more of any of them. Anna's a very valuable weapon, however, and so it seems like that tech would be recreated with more suitable software.

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