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Al B. Harper

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Subj: Re: The old order changeth
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 at 09:02:40 pm EST (Viewed 7 times)
Reply Subj: Re: The old order changeth
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 at 07:56:43 pm EST (Viewed 8 times)

    I intend to have another go at it tomorrow. I reckon I'm 60% done.

Why, that's enough to post a chunk isn't it? *hopeful*
Really, take your time, we'll be here waiting for it.

    Rhiannon's away this weekend but I'll ask her when she gets back.

I'll be impressed if she or anyone else can recall.

    Not without Mumphrey shooting him. It'd literally be over his dead body.

    Actually I'm against the idea of archvillains joining hero teams, as with Magneto in the X-Men. An aantagonist designed to be powerful and dangerous enough to threaten an entire team has to be seriously watered down to fit with the group they previously menaced. And then you just need another archvillain.

Yes true. And we have just had the Carnifex as a member. Still...if we're short on members....

    In personality terms we're missing someone to make bitchy/snarky comments,

Miss Framlicker (though, what else will she do exactly?)
Hooded Hood
Ebony (well, more aloof rather than bitchy)
Silicone Sally

Or...Bring Back Hacker 9!!

    we're missing someone to be dark and brooding,

Anvil Man at a stretch
Urthula Underess could be dark...but not really brooding...

Or...Hacker 9?

    and we're missing a young romantic male lead that's unattached.


STL or Hamboy
Urban Druid if his writer ever gets around to writing more.
Anvil Man


Hacker 9.

    In team combat dynamics we're short of the one-useful-power types like G-Eyed, Cressida, Exile, DBS.

Hacker 9?

I would like to see an occult character. So Vinnie works too.

    The team's also short on in-your-face brawlers right now; only Yuki fills that niche in the absence of Epitome, Hatman, Donar, and Finny.

Anvil Man is a good one for that.

But I think I am now going to work on a "Bring Back Hacker 9" campaign.

    I have two worries. The first is that sometimes posters have felt they can't write their own characters after I've worked extensivey on them. The second is that if characters get "donated" to me (or to the board in general) it becomes very self-indulgent to use them all the time since I'm effectively populating the team with characters I now control.

Well, you can really only control or have influence over the second of your worries (the self-indulgence one) and you've never let it get out of had before while writing Mumph in the team or the Juniors, so why worry it will start now?

As for the first worry, hmm, there isn't a lot you can do about other posters feelings. Other than not write anyone else into the team but your own characters. Which isn't an option either. It's a risk that has to be taken. You can only take advice when given, and there are only a few here who have given advice on what they want and don't want for their characters. So go with that and use the rest as you see fit till requested otherwise I suggest.

    For example, I could write a real fun team with a line up of Mumph with DBS, thuddy, Kerry, Danny, Vinnie, FA, Gaz, Ham-Boy, and Anvil Man, with associates Champagne, Night Nurse, and Tom Black. I'm not sure it would be much fun for everybody else once the novelty worse off.

I'd read it! And as long as Kerry-Danny plots don't dominate every chapter I'm sure I'd enjoy it. But yes, I see what you mean.

    I once considered allowing an extra member for every 200 stories the poster did. I reckon that qualifies Vizh, Jason, KS, AG, and me. Actually I get four characters by that rule.

Ha! I get what, negative 4? See ya Al B. *sobs*

    I'd like to keep both poster and character Hatty around, but he's had a fair run as LL leader now so I'm wondering if there are ways of moving him sideways.

Being stuck in that space-time-warp thing isn't permanent?

    Plus it's weird writing a Zdenka/Jay romance when poster-Jay's married. It's the same problem I had with the Jay/Whitney romance when Whit got hitched.

Yeah. It seems that's all over though and Zdenka is now with Mark.

    My problem with this - and Kirk certainly deserves it - is that CSFB! could be a lot less fun in a leadership role. Once you've had the joy of him outraging the establishment, pantsing Garrick etc., he's still the guy who has to call DBS to order for seducing Samantha or something, and that's just not him.

It would be challenging to resolve those situations. He wouldn't be the one to call DBS on it sure. Be interesting to see what does happen though instead.

    Aussie diplomacy.

Hey it was the Brits who came up with that. Monty Python.

    I think Shrike tries for a very specific silver age feel for Aegis' stories.

Yeah, thinking on it more I can see that.

    I think with the line-up we can either go for an "all star" team and pull in former members even though theirnposters are rare - drag back Donar, G-Eyed, Messy, thud, Troia, Ziles, Yo - or we could do a "Cap's kooky quartet" and dump almost the entire current membership for newbies like Liu Xi. I'm having trouble imagining how to reconcile the two approaches.

Perhaps when the dust settles from the Carnifex routing we can go by the old open-roster once-a-member-always-a-member can use from the vast pool of members and possible members to suit the needs of both threat and plot needs? Therefore when you need the kooky quartet you can but when you need the all in brawl you can too? It might work...maybe.

    He's a prolific enough writer here that bending the one
    character rule would be justified.


We forgot Chiaki as a possibility too...

    The Shoggoth's around.


    I think his poster is fairly bored with him. He keeps threatening to kill him off.

True. Maybe L should suggest which of his gang he'd like to see in the LL for the next bit or so?

Powerwise I'd like STL.

Maybe we all should choose one character to have in the team? It...could work...or be a disaster.

    Indeed. thud showed up on the board a year of so back and we corresponded. At that point he wanted to do more with thud away from the LL before bringing him back to the fold.

Awww well, if you have that specific request I guess he's a no then. Sad.

    I guess you must have missed the ending to that one being posted.

I can't find it in the archives!

    I quite liked Mumph in the LL but it felt very self-indulgent and Mary-Sueish.

Your feeling there is unjustified. It never read that way.

    Xander wouldn't approve though.

Shame he's not around either then.

Vinnie for the LL!
And Hacker 9!

    I'd do it if JJJ was around.

Last post he said he was around just lacking motivation. Maybe her joining is all he needs?

    * insert Lisa joke here *

Ok it was still funny. Even after all these years.

    He's a career mercenary villain but he's fun to write. He's a real blue-collar baddie.

All he needs is someone to show him the money, I mean fun, that can be had walking the other path for a while. I suggest Yuki hire him. Or something. He gets the 'heavy hitter' role done.

All these suggestions...not sure I am actually helping any.

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