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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Noted
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 at 07:29:25 pm EST (Viewed 312 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Noted
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 at 02:21:03 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)

    I thought you were heading in the right direction when she tracked down her creator and started exploring her origins.

That was only a part of it. She also needs to find out what she wants to be. Kind of like "what I want to be when I grow up".

    By the way, I think there's got to be a good in-story reason why there can't be 1000 more Annas made. If she's such a deadly weapon that one of her can threaten the LL then there's no reason why someone, government of bad guy, wouldn't just go out and make lots more to turn on the heroes - unless you supply a reason.

SPUD tried to make another one and failed - it turned out to be like a brainless, emotionless child. Anna's creator apparently forgot to document all the processes she used to create Anna before she went on the run, so now anyone who wants to make a copy is out of luck.

Anna's creator is a kind of genius that could keep Al B Harper occupied. But she developed a conscience, so she gave up her work and went for the simple life in the deserted country. She still experiments with robots and artificial intelligence on the side, though. Kind of like George Lucas.


      More irony in that is it would make her eager to join the LL to prove herself, but doing so would make her *more* prone to failure and feel worse about herself. Yuki would be smart enough to realize that and not offer her full membership until Anna is more self confident and can take the abuse.

    Also, for all her sophistication, Anna is pretty much emotionally and experientially a minor. All the reasons for not putting Sam on the team probably apply to her too.

She really is, yes, but she's growing up very quickly. She may have Sam's age beat, but she still essentially has the maturity of a teenager.



        Actually I think most if not all of them would work. The challenge is finding reasons for them not all to be there.


      The most clear reason at the moment, I think, is as "cool" as it would be to have all of them in, it would probably scare away some of the potential PV writers that I know of. With so few contributing already, that's probably not the way to go right now.

    I was thinking of in-story reasons.

The in-story reasons come later, and are usually more complicated.

For instance Lara might turn down LL membership because she was part of a club before back home, and it came apart in a nasty falling out, and she doesn't want to do it again. Plus she would believe it's not fair to the LL because she might not be available when they really need her.

Liu Xi is the easiest. She outwardly believes that she's no hero, and isn't qualified for the Lair Legion among heroes. She would have to be convinced.

Chiaki, as I said, wouldn't want her past to become a liability to the group, so she would avoid joining unless she was clearly convinced.

Anna is the strangest story. If she was asked to join the LL, she would, because she would feel flattered and worry that turning it down would insult her friends. So it's up to the LL to decide in her case.

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