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Anime Jason 

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HH points out that you're allowed a view on others characters being members too

Subj: Re: Noted
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 at 02:38:12 am EST (Viewed 311 times)
Reply Subj: Noted
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 at 05:29:21 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)

    Actually my main problem is that she's too powerful for everyday use. I can get away with heavy hitters like Donar, because they're sluggers and can just keep on hitting or being hit. With high-end energy manipulators they either have to go down in the first five seconds or they win the fight in the next five. Add in Lara's teleport-out ability and she's a very hard character to threaten.

What's kind of funny about that is Lara is aware of it too. That's why she tried so hard not to interfere when she doesn't have to. She believes in something similar to what Chiaki keeps saying - that showing your true power all the time will force your enemies to seek even more power to defeat you. That's why she's so reluctant to show her full potential even when it costs her.

Unfortunately that also makes her less than ideal for the Lair Legion. They wouldn't be too happy with her if she opts out of most of their missions, would they?

It also makes it difficult for other writers to quantify what she's capable of. I thrive on abstract concepts like that, but a lot of people don't. So it's great for me, but putting her in a place where other writers might feel locked out isn't a good idea.

    I (Liu Xi) that as a plus rather than a minus since it brings a natural story arc with it.

It does, but it's a story I'm not sure there's time to tell just yet with changes to the LL coming up so quickly.

    Anna would make a good Legionnaire if Hallie, Yuki and Al B. weren't already there. As it is we'd be getting one "supercharacter" that effectively does most if not all of what these three do; and because they're already established then reader naturally sympathises with them not the perfect replacement.

That's the part that doesn't quite work and I haven't figured out yet. Anna is somewhat sympathetic right now because she doesn't really have a place in the world.

Oh and since it was mentioned, for those who read this besides HH, I figured he left out the Psychic Samurai purposely because I stated before that she would probably turn down any offer of Lair Legion membership. She knows her connections to Akiko Masamune and her checkered past might bring the whole LL into question, and she doesn't want to be the cause of that. Chiaki could probably be convinced at some point to join, but it's not going to be easy to convince her.

    That said, I've learned the hard way not to discourage posters' personal enthusiasms for their characters on the team. I tried hard to convince Scott not to bring in a Peter Petrelli-type character with the ability to duplicate the powers of everyone around him because I felt it undercut everyone else's uniqueness and left the constant problem of why this one hero didn't just duplicate event villain's ability and use it to beat them. Scott was unhappy not to get his new hero on the team and I don't see him around here much now.

I haven't heard anything about that. Generally though, I'm not offended at all if none of my characters (besides Yuki) make the team. I've even presented some of the reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea myself. Not because I don't believe in them, but because the object is to choose characters who other writers will feel comfortable writing and be encouraged to do so. I'm well aware that the majority of mine don't fit the bill.

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