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Anime Jason 

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Subj: I have the empty wastebasket to prove it.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 at 11:49:11 pm EDT (Viewed 361 times)
Reply Subj: So you say.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 at 09:07:15 pm EDT

> > At the moment all Lara believes about the Carnifex is that he's "creepy". Since that's a purely subjective thought it's not likely to launch the Lair Legion into immediate action. If she knows what he did to Shee-Yar, she might figure, okay, he's a hunter and that's his style. She might not personally approve of it, but she's not Hatman, so she won't go into conflict with the Carnifex over it either - since she also believes Shee-Yar was becoming more and more dangerous.
> At the moment there's no way for most people on Earth to know what's happened several hundred thousand light years away. In fact even the galactic neighbours of the Shee-yar who must now be aware of their genocide are probably still going "What the hell just happened?" Word will get round the galactic networks eventually, though, and perhaps finally filter to the in-crowd on Earth.,/font>

Might get there faster than we think. Maybe. This is where the Spoilers checkbox comes in.

That side project I've been working on has a super-tech alien race on the other side of the Shee-Yar Empire - it starts with them bidding on "salvage rights" to Shee-Yar and getting it approved by the "Galactic Government" (presumably because they know the Shee-Yar either went silent at some point or stopped fighting its neighbors). The central characters then high-tail it to Paradopolis under stealth to deliver a message to Sir Mumphrey about what's happened, since he's still thought to be the commander of Earth forces...only the Lair Mansion is gone when they arrive. More on that as it develops.

> > The only real insight she has is that she spoke to him personally. Even then she didn't see any imminent danger - so what it really depends on is if the Carnifex believes she's harmless or not.
> I don't think he'd believe her harmless, but that's not the same as believing she;s in a position to harm him or his mission. The Carnifex respects and admires his prey.

Plus Lara never really seems harmful until she is.

> > Chiaki isn't officially a suspect though, or they would have arrested her by now. Of course they may have some difficulty locating or catching her.
> An arrest would only be (literally) warranted if there was sufficient evidence. At the moment Chiaki is the number one witness in the case, since she was present just before the break-out and left at the time it began. She's also a major suspect because of the circumstances of the release of prisoners.
> Graham would have questioned her informally at first if he could, out of respect for her previous assistance. If that's not possible he's going to need to send people looking.

He might also know that Chiaki is the type to not be nearly that sloppy, and also someone who can afford a really good and vicious lawyer. If he really wants answers he has to weigh whether they're worth the possible consequences - both in having to deal with a lawyer like that, and possibly losing the cooperation of someone who's always been so helpful.

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