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Anime Jason 

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Subj: I wish!
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 at 12:33:46 am EDT (Viewed 463 times)
Reply Subj: Sounds like the start of an advert for patent medicines.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 at 11:59:12 pm EDT

> > ...which is why I've been home 2 days and haven't written anything yet. I can't concentrate. It's very frustrating. \:\(
> I have that problem all the time. I think it's early onset Alzheimer's.

Or it's just because my head feels like it weighs a ton and my eyes are teary, and I can't stay awake for long.

> > At some point Liu Xi is going to start realizing that her grandfather is working on stuff behind her back. When she does she's going to become angry.
> He's acting like a traditional Chinese patriarch and telling her only what is good for her, while making arrangements about her which he feels no need to discuss. He's expecting obedience and submission in exchange for which he will see to her best interests as he determines them. It's an old East vs new West culture clash.

Actually it would be two Eastern cultures clashing, if you consider modern sensibilities. Liu Xi likely looks up to Chiaki as an example, since Chiaki comes from the most similar culture - and Chiaki is strong, independent, irrepressible, and impossible to push around, while still being polite, friendly and while she denies it, somewhat heroic.

> > Speaking of which, I'm sure after meeting him and getting a "creepy" vibe, Lara might be keeping a close eye on the Carnifex suddenly becoming active and wonder why.
> He's the world's most powerful superhero. Naturally he'd fly in to save the day against the alien invaders who wanted to conquer the Earth. Hurrah for him!

Even so, Lara remembers him as being a little creepy. She doesn't really push that much, though, because she also senses that nobody really agrees with that assessment. It's one of those things where you feel like something isn't right, but say nothing because nobody else seems to notice.

Though because of that, Lara will most likely let him go about his business and watch quietly until he does something to justify the 'creepy' vibe.

> > And if she learns he wiped out an entire empire...well, surprisingly she may actually realize it was necessary. But she won't tell the Lair Legion that, or say why to anyone who isn't a close friend (she always had the feeling they were fixated on destroying Earth, and sometimes heavy-handed measures are necessary).
> The Carnifex has effectively established that Earth is a very bad place to mess with. On the one hand it's going to keep a lot of small fry away from the solar system. On the other it's put Earth to the top of the list of cosmic menaces with Galactivac and Thugos.

This is where I get to tell a little story of how Lara realizes these things: Back home, while she's not exactly a full cosmic being, it's like she's in the back seat watching cosmic beings drive the universe.

That means she's been trained to recognize things, to see very large, complex plans in action and sometimes figure them out.

In this case, Lara probably recognized the constant Shee-Yar escalation every time they've been defeated by the Lair Legion, and their obsession with destroying Earth. It's quite simple to "do the math" at that point - sooner or later, the Shee-Yar would get some kind of edge and destroy Earth.

That's why Lara, while she might not like the solution the Carnifex had, she might reluctantly agree with it. The currently Lair Legion strategy with the dangerous Shee-Yar was to occasionally defeat them somehow and then turn a blind eye to their military advancement until they tried to hit Earth again. Lara sees that as an unsound strategy, because sooner or later it'll be too late. Of course, that's where Lara's biggest fault comes into play - she doesn't really have the heart to do drastic "necessary" things like wiping out an empire.

> > I got a laugh out of Chiaki dispensing with excuses and telling Don Graham the blunt truth. Though it's not that she had much to lose by doing that.
> Why would she lie to Graham? He's smart enough to know when to work with people who can do things he can't or isn't allowed to. Unfortunately he's also smart enough to ask the uncomfortable questions till he gets answers too.

Chiaki never needs to lie - the truth hurts more, after all. And if someone asks her a question she doesn't want to answer, she just ignores it.

She might make excuses in certain cases though, that aren't lies. For instance instead of "we're rifling through your files" she could have said "I needed to use your computer" and dispense with the detail.

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