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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Nausea is the body's way of saying "try harder".
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 at 03:28:19 am EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: I don't know... I understand that it can be rather trying already...
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 07:52:50 pm EST (Viewed 457 times)

    Sorry that I have been absent... I have now completed a trek to the parent's place for the holidays. It's a bit odd to be in a land of palm trees and sun after leaving a frozen wasteland, but I shall endure. Perhaps with a margarita by the pool.


Last I heard they had a sailboat in their trees or something.

    Or perhaps I won't endure, what with the apparent arrival of the Apostate. That guy is a jerk. But honestly, I enjoy the group that's on site to deal with him. Lara, Davidowicz, Vicki and company are up to the task! Especially since I don't want to do it.

That situation gets a bit more complex soon.

    Sorry to hear about the backstabbing. That's got to hurt. So was Magenta working for the Apostate as well, or are there more players yet to show?

There are more players. We can't make this simple. And the Apostate is hardly the only bad guy who Vizh wouldn't want to meet again.

    Enjoyable look in on the moon as well, made even more fun with Nats and Uhuna. (Someone should really get that woman some paper towels to wipe the shoggoth goo off her hands...)

Nats has a jacket.

    Bad news that we need to deal with that creepy tomb thing. Such a shame that Time Travel no longer works. Ah well... nothing to do about it now. Best to move on to plan B...

Exactly. That's the bit I'm sitting down to write just now.

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