Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Since when have Tykes given a damn about correct grammar?
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 03:42:38 am EST (Viewed 520 times)
Reply Subj: Is undead a legitimate verb?
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 at 01:43:12 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    No really, there was this really sweet story where Fleabot and Quoth were human and forgot they'd ever been anything else and fell in love.

Actually, that's now ringing a bell. And much less cringe-worthy than a an actual crow and a fleabot going at it.

    Then Visionary has to make it all about him, of course, and be all Surplus To Destiny and stuff.

Doesn't he always?

    I always thought the Da Visionary code would be a proper final story for the Parodyverse.

So...this is the end?


I don't know. It's their thing? You'd have to ask Queen Ziles.

    Same question for those who are being watched by aliens, angels, devils, the CIA etc. What are you doing that's so damned fascinating?

Well, today I went to the gym, did a double Grit class, had breakfast at a cafe, came home, mowed the lawn, had a shower, put the towels in the wash, sat on my couch for a while, freaked out when an afternoon hail storm was pounding my windows, cooked an omelet for dinner, ate it, and now I'm sitting on the couch again responding to you. Later - I'm going to go and watch Rogue One at the see-ne-maa.

Make of that what you will aliens, devils, Champagne Cacciatore, angels, CIA, creepy neighbour peering through the hole in the floorboard!

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