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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Why thank you
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 05:48:19 pm EST (Viewed 1228 times)
Reply Subj: What an excellent chart.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 at 06:22:02 am EST (Viewed 5 times)

    And well done on the genaelogy. The Abyssal Exsanguinous would be proud.

S/he sounds like...someone you wouldn't want to run into in a darkened corridor in the National Archives...or anywhere for that matter.

    But what, no mention of Avrogadus del Lune, "the mad heretic" who defied the Inquisition and claimed that the world was a globe vibrating atop a measureless vortex surrounded by millions of similar globes with tiny differences? He who was saved from the stake by demons who swept him into the skies and carried him to the realms of nightmare? Of course, Avrogadus was a younger brother so he was allowed to be a little eccentric. For a hundred years after, pilgrim scholars would venture into the oubliette wherein he had carved equations with his fingernails and marvel at his insoluable mathematical riddle regarding an infinite number of chickens and eggs and one monodimensional road.

The family try not to mention him all that much. Or wayward daughter Clair de Lune from a few generations back, she's the one who ran off with a poet from Metz for a while.

There was reference to Giacomo del Lune though, he who brought back a secret from his time in Jerusalem with the Knights Improbablar,

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