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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Noted
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 at 09:06:27 am EST (Viewed 231 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Noted
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 at 07:45:34 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    The other problem is that she's calm, sensible, and responsible. In other words, she's likely to solve any inter-team disputes before they got to the fun part.

And that would be stressful to poor Lara, if people start looking to her to resolve problems all the time. Being stressed out over disputes is Hatty's job.

    Only a trauma would bring about such a major change in LL status quo. Fortunately I have a number of plots waiting to pounce.

I know, and I'm waiting. \:\)


      Anna is somewhat sympathetic right now because she doesn't really have a place in the world.

    It is a unique feature of her character. It's the reason I was against Spider-Man jaoining the Avengers.

Anna is in a tough place right now - she is legally independent, but like an emancipated child, it doesn't mean she can find work and earn her spot in the world either. So she's constantly trying to prove herself to herself, and also trying to feel less like a burden on the Lair Legion for allowing her to stay with them.

More irony in that is it would make her eager to join the LL to prove herself, but doing so would make her *more* prone to failure and feel worse about herself. Yuki would be smart enough to realize that and not offer her full membership until Anna is more self confident and can take the abuse.


      Generally though, I'm not offended at all if none of my characters (besides Yuki) make the team. I've even presented some of the reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea myself. Not because I don't believe in them, but because the object is to choose characters who other writers will feel comfortable writing and be encouraged to do so. I'm well aware that the majority of mine don't fit the bill.

    Actually I think most if not all of them would work. The challenge is finding reasons for them not all to be there.

The most clear reason at the moment, I think, is as "cool" as it would be to have all of them in, it would probably scare away some of the potential PV writers that I know of. With so few contributing already, that's probably not the way to go right now.

I understand that some of my characters are not "standardized" enough for most writers to feel comfortable writing into complex plots - which makes them perfect reservists (because they can easily be sidelined that way) but not full LL members.

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