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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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HH wrote a story this morning featuring a cast member who hasn't had a starring role since the early days of the Parodyverse

Subj: You write good Mac.
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 at 05:44:32 pm EST (Viewed 448 times)
Reply Subj: And another character I've been meaning to get back to.
Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 at 04:55:50 am EST (Viewed 3 times)


      Always good to see Mac, and enjoyed this. Was quite a nice demonstration of his faith without being preachy.

    It's always a fine line.

No, there is a line but it was well away from this. This is what we should see more of.

    I originally tossed Mac in there because I was fed up with fictional portrayals in which Christians and their ministers are depicted as universally judgemental, deluded, cruel, and possibly insane abusers. As the status-quo religion of the Western world, Christianity is the only acceptable religious target that can be used without appearing racist, but by now it's become so cliche for Christians to be secretly hypocritical villains and for priests to be child-molesting perverts that I wanted a character who was unusual in that he was actually, y'know, Christian.

I just wish there were more of it. As an atheist, I have no problem at all with reading about Christians actually being Christian (in fact, it's a pleasant surprise) or for that matter seeing Christians actually being Christians (with a caveat that no one is perfect) than all those other depictions. And you're right - there are too many of them and Christianity is the easy whipping boy.

    A straight White Christian male who isn't an arsehole and isn't written ironically - unheard of!

Mac Fleetwood needs his own series.

    I've actually amended the ex part now. Nice catch.

No prob, I read it in something else recently so it was fresh in my mind.

    There was ham and stuffing and a variety of vegetables. And a visit from the ex in the middle of it.

I've eaten so much this Christmas...I need to diet/exercise. But will wait for after this evening.

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