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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Intermittently
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 at 11:50:59 am EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Almost certainly...
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 at 10:22:43 am EST (Viewed 874 times)


      Wow, that's dumb. Although the lyrics of "Let It Go" do support a subtext of "coming out", where the princess casts aside her expected behavior and embraces her powers as past of herself.

    There are a lot of really dumb people out there. Might even be someone who believes the snowman is a euphemism for something else.

Art is subjective.


      I'm always encouraged when alien planets have thopught-out ecologies and geologies. Monolithic uniclimates and unicultures are far less realistic (sorry, Star Wars.

    I thought about it in terms of...what would a planet much younger than Earth be like? And that's what came to mind. A hostile planet with only a small portion of it inhabitable, a very limited breadth of plant and animal life. And that's how one nearly homogenous people that advanced very quickly is possible.

It makes sense. I think that SF and fantasy settings are often richer for having some sense of realistic backstory. I can't help but wonder how the economy works, where the food supplies come from, what the days of the calendar are named after.

    At one point the reader gets to "explore" it because the crew of this ship has to fly over the northern pole to evade detection by those invaders who live near the desert.

Keep going on that. Grounding details are one of your writing strengths.


    As for the new Part 3 stuff:

    Looks like Chiaki will feel honor-bound to kill whoever it was that caused Akiko's death. Fortunately she's not one to do that rashly - she's extremely patient. But she would likely begin making plans. Also, she doesn't believe honor-bound means she has to do it one-on-one. She'll bring an army if it suits her.

There'll certainly be floow up to this one.

    By the way, though she's never used it here yet, Lara's alias back home was "Lightning Girl". She's not sure she wants to use it, because she chose it when she was 16, and didn't want to be called "That Electric Chick" by the other super team members.

Harlan Bull will want to call her 'Sparky'."

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