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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Too late.
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 at 09:57:24 am EDT (Viewed 364 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Too late.
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 at 06:50:23 am EDT (Viewed 3 times)

    Akiko has by far the more international reputation; her main power base is actually Hong Kong, and her efforts in Paradopolis' Mangatown are not the whole focus of her endeavours. Her rackets are mostly around smuggling, intellectual piracy, designer label "knockoffs", and other "victimless" crimes, but she's also inherited the protection rackets and so on that her father held before her.

That pretty much sounds like the reason Chiaki worked for Akiko at all. Grey market and black market are tolerable, and comparable to what most large corporations do and don't get caught. Constant violence and assassination isn't.

I also figure Akiko's smart enough not to take on the Lair Legion because there's no profit in it. The only reason she might send Chiaki to that meeting at all is if the war they're igniting might affect her business. For instance, if it results in the Lair Legion cracking down on *all* organized crime.

As a side note: If the Lair Legion *did* decide to crack down on all organized crime, Chiaki would probably warn them - most notably Hatman at least - that it's a war they can't win because the most important elements are very adept and hiding and re-emerging. It's also one of those cases where Chiaki might butt heads with the LL, at least opinion-wise.

    Deadeyes is a traditional city gang boss. He simply expects approval of and a percentage cut on any deal that happens in his city. Even things he doesn't have a direct hold over and doesn't actually like, like drugs and prostitution, are expected to offer a slice to show "respect". In return he keeps the nastiest elements from setting up shop in GMY, he contributes to the arts and welfare institutions like the old-time capos did, and he takes a personal interest in the well-being of "his" town.

In that case it's very likely that the Zoot Suit Gang would give Deadeyes kickbacks just to keep him out of their business. Besides, Frankie would be the first to say that a little respect goes a long way. Plus he'd secretly figure that if Deadeyes "loses his mind" and goes after direct control, or if someone kills Deadeyes and takes over, it'll be tougher to get rid of the Zoots once they're firmly rooted in everything.

That's pretty much Frankie's entire money-making strategy, by the way - get his fingers in as much as possible and skim a little off the top. It makes him really slippery in terms of prosecution, because nobody can really prove he's doing anything illegal. He's just profiting off of everyone else who is, like subcontracting.

    Akiko's out of the current Charity Club meeting because if she was made "officially" aware of what was being discussed she might have to "officially" take a view. Deadeyes may have been invited but wouldn't bother coming - Badripoor's too hot, the food's foreign, and he's too far away from his office.

Ironically, he probably could take on the Lair Legion. But just like with Frankie and Akiko, there's no money in it.

    I'm not sure what Frankie and Co. would have made of an invitation to the meeting.

Frankie might have shown up just for his own personal entertainment. Probably would have called them clowns, and then walked out.

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