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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 at 12:04:48 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 05:09:41 pm EDT (Viewed 378 times)


      That means that nonexistent things can creep in that way, then.

    Possibly - but Liu Xi has no reason to consider that yet. Remember, to her, void is this vast frontier. It's like building a small house in nowhere, Montana and getting robbed - the last thing you'd ever expect.

I'm sure Vinnie could warn Liu Xi regarding the dangers at Omega House - were he not avoiding Kerry like the plague.


      My concern with Liu Xi is that the void control moves her away from the Chinese elements base that was her original shtick. Void control gives her teleportation, and space folding, and the ability to hide, and the ability to shift people thousands of miles away and all kind of other things. Her other four elemental skills are quite uneccessary and become a mere codicil to this one overwhelming power. And then Liu Xi also dabbles in sorcery.

    She's not very good at the sorcery part, not even nearly as good as Vinnie. She mostly learned a few simple spells for self-defense, since bad guys keep taking away her ability to do much else.

Actually Vinnie's very good at sorcery, having been trained in it since infancy in an ancient lineage of sorcerers. That's how he got to be acting sorcerer supreme.

But Vinnie's also aware that much sorcery comes with strings attached, and the more showy and powerful the magic the more likely there's a pact or payment or eventual comeback. A lot of his job is about helping mateurs who have discovered that too late.

We never ever see Xander "doing magic", yet he somehow manages to be top sorcerer when he;s around. Vinnie's not that good yet, but he rarely uses spells unless he needs to. The rites he does use tend to be slower, need preparation, and - if done correctly - don't damn him to the abyss.


      Even Liu Xi's other elemental abilities are becoming rather wide. If she can combine and control elements now to form things as complex as plumbing or wiring (which presumably means she must understand plumbing and wiring) she's pretty much got an entire new skillset again there - the power to create anything.

    Ironically, as she learns more about void, she's going to start to understand how dangerous it is, and she probably won't use it nearly as often anymore. Which would encourage her to use the core 5 elements more - since they're all around her, and can be seen and quantified, they're far safer.

I thought the void was one of the five core Oriental elements?

    It'll be kind of a funny circular event, where you think she's learning to become more powerful, but as she learns, she's figuring out that it's not a good thing. Lara Night learned that years ago - now it's Liu Xi's turn.


By the way, I made a start on the Apocalyspe stuff today before work caught up with me and gave me a kicking. I hope to get back to it later on.

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