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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: It means the journey has definitely ended.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 at 11:53:33 am EDT (Viewed 730 times)
Reply Subj: Re: It means the journey has definitely ended.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 at 05:56:43 am EDT (Viewed 7 times)

    Vinnie's going to want his old quarters back eventually anyhow. Firstly he promised himself he'd never be depend on anyone again, given how his family yanked his priviliges once for disobeying them. He's proving to himself that he can make it alone (and over-compensating majorly on the way). Secondly he knows there are things out there that could use a metadimensional space offensively against him, and his new job has just painted a big red target on his chest.

I was careful about that in designing the scenario - he's currently housed in a neighborhood that's not great, but is being rehabilitated. The building he's in was purchased by Chiaki Bushido (under a corporation name of course) as investment property, and she charges rent to both Alto's Occult Bookstore and Vinnie De Soth. He just gets a slight discount over the average tenant.

    Vrylolokos is unlikely to treat anyone as a peer who has a pulse. He was even disdainful of Grace O'Mercy as being a "barely dead". The only people he's ever really associated with by choice are Baron Otto and his ilk, and even then he's had a competetive rivalry. He no longer even tries to retain a semblance of human appearance.


    Lara should take it as a compliment that he wouldn't consider her worthy of conversation.

By the sheer number of powerful types who treat her that way, she wouldn't be insulted or even shocked.

Back home she's a loner as a hero because most of the others are either jealous that she talks to a goddess, because the media likes her, or they just don't like her on principle.


      Except for eating the buffet table.

    I'm not sure the LL handbook has anything in it about eating tables.

Maybe there will be now.

    She'd have to make sure she never shed a hair againto prevent voodoo attacks, always cloaked her mind to prevent telepathic possession, never dated to avoid incubus seduction, ate blessed food to avoid demonic poisoning etc. Anyone's life would become a nightmare.

Lara does have the advantage of being thousands or millions of miles away, or at a distance that can't be measured because it crosses impossible barriers.

If the magic or telepathy is based on any kind of energy or signal (and usually they are since Al B Harper makes everyone crazy trying to emulate it) Lara can usually absorb and redirect it, or detect it.

The big exception to that would be *indirect* magic, such as the command of elements that Liu Xi has. If anyone else is elemental, or has control over environment or weather, they could wreak havok with poor Lara. Of course tampering with elements or nature on such a large scale, plus harassing Lara, would definitely get Liu Xi's attention.

    I'm not sure what kind of better deal Lara could offer that she'd actually want to offer. Since Lara's powers aren't really occult-based she's not really got much in common with an elder vampire. He's not even that interesting in drinking her blood. Now Liu Xi might get a bite... (except that Vrykoloakos is smart enough to know that would lead to unwarranted attention).

Lara has the advantage of having access to items that are out of the reach of most mortals, plus she can *touch* items that might be off-limits to the undead. Most of such items would be highly prized, so her talent may be worth something.

    Now if Lara wants to do something useful she should really be looking where everyone else isn't. While there's a high-profile occult contest going on that keeps both the heroes and the acting sorcerer supreme busy what else is someone trying to pull off under the radar?

She's probably on "standby" at least, looking to see if any trouble develops, since the Lair Legion won't be around to answer the call. And possibly looking for signs that someone's going to cheat and either bring down the Lair Legion or help the WNC excessively during the contest.

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