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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
Posts: 2,834
Subj: Re: She'll find out.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 at 02:34:22 pm EDT (Viewed 5 times)
Reply Subj: She'll find out.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 at 08:47:14 am EDT (Viewed 303 times)

    I don't know if you noticed yet, but I added a new dual quoting system because of, well, people who couldn't handle text properly at Comicboards. So now you can use [ quote ] and [ /quote ] (without the spaces) to do this:

      This is quoted text

    or the older-fashioned > character like this:

    > This is also quoted text.

    The former method also indents all the quotes nicely like below, especially when nested together. Now you know how I do it. \:\)

    The problem with the new method of representing quoted text is that the board only puts in the quote and end quote markers at the end of the whole message, not on each paragraph. That means that when I reply with new material between the paragraphs (like this) it gets automatically indented. The time-consuming and annoying alternative to to type quote and unquote on every single paragraph.

    While we're on board design, I'm not a big fan of the blobby bobble-head default image that appears at the top of every page for posters without avatar pictures. I'd prefer no image at all, or else a simple black placeholder if there has to be one.


        Do the Lair Legion still get credit for 1 out of 3?

      Sure. And if there's extra points for effort the LL have got to get some too. Shame there isn't.

    I'm sure someone will complain that he also doesn't have candy like Xander did.

It's tough at the top.

> Anna's ability to sort through taste sensations more quickly is one of the "improvements" over an average human brain - she can compare patterns much more quickly. Just like an average human in a huge crowd has problems identifying individual people, but Anna would be able to process them much faster. She's a bit like Rain Man that way, only without the hangups.

I'm not sure hypersenses can ever be an advantage over an adversary whose whole power is absolute domination of one sense.

> Sometimes she'll hide or run from fights she can obviously win because she's afraid of hurting someone unnecessarily. Or sometimes she'll have a self-preservation instinct and avoid fighting something too big or dangerous. But like humans she has a temper, and a limit to how far she'll be pushed - then she may resort to excessive violence.

There are still questions to be answered about Anna.

> Given that the three major visits in the last two centuries have ended in violence and destruction you can see why Galor wants to keep the city private.

> Of course, there have been a number of apes that have abandoned Vesalia to cause trouble in the world beyond: Evil Monkey, Sock Monkey, Rape Ape, and Brass Monkey are all expatriots of Vesalia.

> Either way, it's not somewhere Lara Night or Liu Xi Xian would want to drop in on and look around.

There's not a big tourist trade.

    I'll try and get to it tonight. It's going to take a little bit more work than some of the other sections because I'll have to go back and look more things up. For example I need to research the names of Census Atlas' brother, of Vinnie's ex-fiancee, of Vizh's Cosmic Appraiser, and of the former Queen of the Werewolves.

> What's funny is, I tried to look up Vinnie's ex-fiancee too, and couldn't find it. In one of my recent stories Vinnie was talking to Liu Xi about anyone else who's ever showed interest in him has wanted something from him, and that was going to be the example. I ended up leaving that out.

The Miscellenous Stories page of my website was badly out of date. I've just updated it. The issue you're looking for was called "Old Acquaintance.

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