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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Only at picnics.
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 at 04:12:32 pm EDT (Viewed 306 times)
Reply Subj: Aunts are a menace to society?
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 at 07:45:28 am EDT

> > It's not an easy one, because both characters are intelligent, and Liu Xi is notably unpredictable from an experimenter's point of view.
> It's not really an experiment so much as an industrial process. The purpose isn't to test a theory but to achieve an end.

Yeah but the problems arise when the industrial process is in danger of failure. Meaning it's still an experiment, because it's not entirely certain how it will work if at all.

> > Flawed people are easy to experiment on, if you can exploit the flaws.
> You use the materials at hand; but in some senses the implication is that Liu Xi is the end or very nearly the end of the process, not the start of it. She is the result.

Only for part of it.

She might also react in interesting ways if she's told that while the Void Scholar's plan is to exploit her and Danny, it's also a necessary fate. For instance, what if she's told that her influence will bring stability to Danny's life, and she must eventually marry him to avoid having him become the Moderator or another Hooded Hood?

The reason why that might be a tough decision for her is because it's absolutely true. Danny has strong temptation to become something powerful, and the temptation increases dramatically if Kerry rejects him. If he has no stable influence - i.e. someone to care about him enough to keep his feet on the ground - it just may happen.

Then again, it may be setting him up for an Anakin Skywalker scenario.

> > Maybe not, but I thought the rule of the Parodyverse is if something is repeated enough and not contested it becomes true.
> Flapjack wishes.

Unfortunately for him, people do contest everything he says.

> > Remember that this time I'm not exaggerating - Anna took on a mob of well-trained and heavily armed soldiers and sent them into chaos. Considerably less disciplined pirates with more primitive weapons don't really stand a chance. She's far too strong and quick.
> > Yuki would badly beat them fighting on their own terms (taking her time, with her fists and feet) just to embarrass them even more. Simple hand-to-hand and karate training paired with tireless and powerful cybernetics gives her an advantage.
> I'm sure you could find a way to make it perilous to be exciting. Otherwise it just looks like bullying.

I'd have to make something tricky about it. Like maybe a purple-haired female might have some difficulty gaining loyalty from a bunch of male pirates who know females only as either victims or prostitutes.

> > It'll have to wait till I return home on Tuesday (more likely Wed, since I'll be tired from the plane flight on Tues). After that, I may try to catch up on Liu Xi's situation too.
> Excellent.


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