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Anime Jason 

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Subj: If it's simple enough maybe.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 06:35:32 pm EDT (Viewed 335 times)
Reply Subj: There's always a chance.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 at 05:21:34 pm EDT

> > So far it's just been a mystery. Liu Xi would prefer not to think about being chosen - because that would mean someone would come back to collect the favor.
> Sounds like a story to me.

I'll add it to the list.

> > > How would any of the team be aware of what Lara did in that other place anyhow? The only ones who might have tracked the full goings-on were probably Salieri and Samantha - and maybe Search Engineer.
> > These things have a way of getting out. That, and Lara's own tendency to be so honest. Eventually, if she thinks is safe to tell, she might say what happened to someone. She does have the ability to keep secrets, but they're usually about her or close friends, and don't really affect anyone else.
> Noted.

In this case I'd say Lara probably will only work to prevent the secret from getting out if Dream and Jay get into a fight over what Dream did, so that Dream storms out. Otherwise it should be relatively safe.

> > > It's because the Parodyverse is regulated and protected at a macro level that the Carnifex has been sent in "below the radar".
> > Faite wouldn't be concerned with him at all, since his intention isn't to re-write the Parodyverse. While Faite can operate outside her normal scope, her most important job is to make sure someone can't subvert the normal balance of the Parodyverse and rewrite it in their own image. She does that by subverting the plans that are supposed to subvert the Parodyverse. She's the ultimate thorn in any ultimate super-villain's side.
> The Carnifex doesn't want to rule or subvert the Parodyverse; only destroy it.

If that's the case Faite is probably already arranging things to make that difficult. If the Carnifex intends to wait for the right moment, her intention is that he'll be waiting a long time for it to arrive.

> > It's also interesting to note that the lack of a confrontation between the Hooded Hood and Faite proves just how careful the Hood is. He plays inside the rules, so any changes he makes become part of the Parodyverse without subverting it.
> He's not powerful enough to take on any of the cosmic powers directly. He therefore plots.

Faite is more like the proverbial lever that's angled just right to move the world. She's not terribly powerful, just very well positioned and focused so the scope of her power is greatly magnified, yet also constantly out of range of those who can kill her.

The Moderator was a lucky moment for her, because her own power was almost polar opposite to his. He can delete things in current time, and she can change things in current time (i.e. restore something he deleted). It was like a brutal game of tug-of-war.

> > If he's that smart he'd probably consider avoiding fighting with Lara as long as he can. The problem with trying to kill her is she tends to come back, and she becomes even angrier and more clever. That self-restoring side effect of energy mastery can make her really obnoxious, especially if she's smart enough to do so only to waste his time until the Lair Legion can pile on him too.
> Hence his taking time to observe his prey.

Lara also has a clever habit of not being there when she's hunted. That way she can surprise anyone who has it in for her. It worked quite well during the war with the Parody Master...twice. Though the second time it was Shema buying into the same strategy.

> > Something more clever might be doing something to keep Lara away from him, at least for a while. Like promising to leave Visionary's kids alone if she minds her own business. At least until she figures out he's lying.
> He'd see that as unsporting.

The lying part or threatening the kids?

> > It might be amusing, actually, because if Lara meets him and chats with him first, when he turns on everyone she might feel like she can negotiate with him because she felt he was reasonable before.
> He might ask her "as a friend" whether she thinks it's too soon for him to court Zdenka, and if Jay would be okay with it.

Lara knows that Zdenka is pretty smart. She would probably say it's up to her.

> > And that's based on her opinion of the Hooded Hood, which she has made clear previously. She knows that the Lair Legion thinks of him as evil, but she sees him as a necessary force that helps hold the Parodyverse together. That's why she's willing to chat with him civilly, and even listen to his plans.
> The Legion have generally come to other conclusions.

There's an explanation for that: Lara is willing to see the bigger picture that the Hooded Hood has kept trying to point out to the Lair Legion. She doesn't agree with the tactics to achieve it most of the time, but she does see it. The skill that goes into that kind of planning, she believes, is worthy of some respect.

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