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Anime Jason 

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Subj: It doesn't apply any longer.
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 at 12:27:31 pm EDT (Viewed 372 times)
Reply Subj: Repeat away.
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 at 12:00:31 pm EDT

> > Liu Xi, at least as far as she knows, is unique as far as being able to handle Void, but not as an elementalist. She may have heard legends about her family being able to manipulate elements, but not void. She also hasn't heard any legend of anyone else being able to, which would lead her to believe that talent is unique.
> That's what I mean. You've mapped out Liu Xi's immediate background and history very well, rooting her character in her upbringing. The void manipulation has probably become more prominent in her storyline than you first expected, so much so that her void folding has become her defining power with the other elemental stuff hardly ever being used. Hence it's probably time to start looking at what and how that came about.

That's easy. It's because she's a natural at using Void, while she has to learn how to use her elemental power more effectively.

> Why can she do that but no other elementalist? How do elementalists get this heriditary gift anyhow? There's clearly a backstory in there somewhere - and probably a sleeper plot waiting to burst out and threaten the Parodyverse.

It's either a question of how she became a void manipulator on her own, or why she was chosen. The latter is by far a darker question.

> > The real question she's [Lara] probably been pondering since things were reset is, whether the Lair Legion might look at her differently if they realize what she's capable of. Which was one of her fears all along.
> I imagine she'll be listening closely to the conversations that go on around CSFB!'s actions.

She'll be watching. If CSFB! is given enough cold shoulders or lectures and does his losing his temper and leaving the Lair Legion thing, she's likely not to say much about her own fears. If they accept it and deal with it she might be a little more brave, but still a little worried - after all, she's not a Lair Legion member and has very little history with the team.

> > In that case I'd have to guess that the Carnifax sees Lara as a great threat to his plans, and definitely Faite. But by now he knows that Liu Xi is easy to neutralize because her weakness is sensitivity, and that Yuki and Anna are dependent on technology which can perhaps be disabled.
> He's probably more worried about Lara than Faite. After all, his masters sent him in at a micro-level, almost like a human, to work on the PV like a virus works on a body. Once the cosmic powers realise there's an infection (they don't yet) then they could really only get to him by either diminishing themselves so they can interact with "the real world" - which leaves them vulnerable - or by using agents and nudging events. If they attack directly while the Carnifex is on Earth then the collateral damage would probably do his job for him and destroy the Parodyverse. It's almost a hostage situation.

Faite is more a manipulator than a fighter, because she knows what kind of damage she's capable of, and exactly how dangerous it is.

> Lara's relatively powerful for a human, relatively well connected with a cosmic being that has previously used her as an agent, and relatively smart and experienced. That actually puts her in a better position to interfere than any of the cosmic types. So yes, at some stage she'll need to be neutralised.

Lara has a very long list of people who have tried. That "smart" part is going to give him a lot of trouble. He may have to settle for trying to give her a reason not to interfere - that seems to work for the Hooded Hood.

> But not yet, because she's easy on the eye. The Carnifex isn't in any hurry to finish his mission. He's still having fun playing in the Parodyverse.
> >

One interesting fact about this is that Lara may decide to try and visit him and have a chat once she's made aware of his presence.

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