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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Re: Maybe once the video game hits the shops.
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 at 12:17:36 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Maybe once the video game hits the shops.
Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 at 09:05:20 pm EST (Viewed 422 times)

    I decided after the last couple of issues of Untold Tales that I needed to seperate out various plotlines and get them done so as to avoid 6 issues of random scenes hopping between six subplots. So this issue plants Hatty and the Juniors. Next issue will cover Apocalyspe and EEE. Then I can get on with the line-up main story with a Sally B-plot.

    That makes sense. Like you said, I believe that these subplots worked well together thematically, and the addition of the Juniors added some comedic zing to the chapter as a whole (whether you feel the zing or not).

Having opened up several cans of worms I felt I needed to be more methodical in how I tidied them up.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the EEE adventure... that team is always entertaining.

I'll be folding the three off-wrold strands into the next issue.


      Neither new Junior has appeared yet and one is waiting for a multi-part plotline that's delayed for now.

    Hmmmm... well, so much for my guess on the one, then.

I've got my permissions in place, though.

    On other business, I'm told my Robin Hood book's delayed while they wait for the cover artist to turn his work in. I told them they should have gone to you.

    I could have used the job, as pickings have been slim recently. However, I'm far more of a concept guy than an illustrator, so they probably made the right choice. For now I have a new freelance gig starting next week on an X-box project that might see me through March.

The cover's in now and the book's due to hit the shops next Friday.

They probably couldn't afford you anyhow.

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