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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Wouldn't that make it slippery?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 05:00:40 pm EDT (Viewed 412 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Wouldn't that make it slippery?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 02:47:01 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)

    I'm very anti-heirarchy in things like this. I'm pro a mutual respect and collegiate responsibility.

Maybe I'm on probation or something.

    I'm happy to do that with my characters (and fortunately that's a large cast) but more cautious with others.

There are a few characters I avoid, or only use in cameo, because I've caused too many problems with them in the past.

    Probably the key information you were missing is that character-Hatman became a more commmitted Christian after his split with Whitney and decided that sex outside marriage wasn't appropriate for him; which I think reflects poster-Hat's view too.

I was missing that information. The only thing I could do to fix things was either what I already did - have them split up but remain civil - or get the Hooded Hood involved.

    Poor Jay suffered for while in being the only "nice-guy" male lead who wasn't attached. We really need more male romantic leads.


    I actually did that story once, in "The Night Hell's Bathroom Burned". As I recall a number of Jay's friends got very miffed.

Either I don't remember, or I wasn't here yet.

    That's the kind of arrest attempt that ends careers, though. Klein's probably dirty but smart enough to hide it well. She's got red-hot lawyers who know how to use the law to prevent the law being applied. She's got a whole police department who can crush any jurisdictional challenge - and might even find an intruding cop was carrying illegal narcotics or something. She's got enough contacts to have ten people making independent police brutality charges against an officer that annoys her so her opponent is suspended for years.

That's why it's good Vicky has such a well-grounded veteran of a partner. He'd keep her reined in so she doesn't do anything impulsive to get her into trouble.

    On the other hand she'd have to think very carefully before going too far against a Paradopolis cop because Commissioner Don Graham looks out for his people. But he also expects them to be smart in how they pick their fights.

Vicky is pretty smart. With her partner, she's even smarter.

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