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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 03:17:02 pm EDT (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Expanded reply...
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 at 07:57:48 pm EDT (Viewed 360 times)


      Sounds to me sufficiently close to messing with spaces to constitute a risk. But more importantly there needs to be in-story rationale to prevent easy solutions.

    Liu Xi's ability to cram a bathroom between walls is based on void, not dimensions. It basically translates to the absence of dimension, size, space, etc. That means something of unlimited size can be crammed into a nonexistent space.

That means that nonexistent things can creep in that way, then.

    As for the construction of the bathroom itself: That's just arrangement of elements, which she has slowly begun to perfect.

I'm always slightly worried when characters develop powers that move away from their core skillset. It's like the Flash suddenly getting the ability to read minds, or Spider-Man learning to fly. These things detract from the shining simlicity of the original concept.

My concern with Liu Xi is that the void control moves her away from the Chinese elements base that was her original shtick. Void control gives her teleportation, and space folding, and the ability to hide, and the ability to shift people thousands of miles away and all kind of other things. Her other four elemental skills are quite uneccessary and become a mere codicil to this one overwhelming power. And then Liu Xi also dabbles in sorcery.

Even Liu Xi's other elemental abilities are becoming rather wide. If she can combine and control elements now to form things as complex as plumbing or wiring (which presumably means she must understand plumbing and wiring) she's pretty much got an entire new skillset again there - the power to create anything.

I like Liu Xi. I'd like her more if she was less all-powerful.

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