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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Wouldn't that make it slippery?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 02:47:01 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Wouldn't that make it slippery?
Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 at 04:54:28 pm EST (Viewed 540 times)

    It's more like there's a hierarchy I didn't follow. If I can't contact poster-Jay directly, I'm supposed to I guess email Visionary, and KS, and you first - but by then, the story is either going to be axed or moot, since everyone who will read it has seen the plot already.

I'm very anti-heirarchy in things like this. I'm pro a mutual respect and collegiate responsibility.

    By the time I wrote the story of mine, I didn't have his email address, plus I figured by the time I email everyone else to find it I could already have written and posted the story. Since the new apartment wasn't absolutely central to the story I figured it was worth the risk.



      I generally work on the idea that permanent changes require the poster's permission if the poster is still contactable. Likewise changes that seem personal or character-altering, such as sexual encounters for characters who aren't established as permissive.

    I try to make character changes semi-permanent if possible. Meaning they don't reset when the story is over, but they aren't impossible or difficult to ignore or undo if needed.

I'm happy to do that with my characters (and fortunately that's a large cast) but more cautious with others.


      I've askes some posters for guidelines about their new characters in the LL too. So I know that one wouldn't be likely to swear and another is interested in a certain other character and so on. I know which characters won't kill and which won't cheat. It helps me to figure out my boundaries.

    I really thought deeply about which characters might be interested in which ones. I took a gamble with Chiaki once because it was amusing that two such opposite people might try their luck (plus she has that exotic quality that he seems to like).

Probably the key information you were missing is that character-Hatman became a more commmitted Christian after his split with Whitney and decided that sex outside marriage wasn't appropriate for him; which I think reflects poster-Hat's view too.

    Liu Xi, that was designed to be a very one-way infatuation starting out. She started out being very needy, but learned quickly, and isn't so much anymore.

    And Lara is always the kind of person who's unexpected. She's very friendly, almost a little flirty, but she's also a die-hard romantic most of the time. She really does believe that Hatman has issues with commitment - she likes being friends with him, but will always keep him at arm's length, so to speak.

Poor Jay suffered for while in being the only "nice-guy" male lead who wasn't attached. We really need more male romantic leads.


      Then Jay's got to be smart enough not to get caught alone in a dark alley. That's part of the story.

    He has to be extra careful for another reason: If he's put in the hospital, a certain very-protective-of-her-friends Samurai friend of his might decide to stroll through his new neighborhood and do some street cleaning. Afterward, the ER in the same hospital will become very crowded. Most likely if he's determined to do this himself, he knows he has to avoid that kind of injury.

I actually did that story once, in "The Night Hell's Bathroom Burned". As I recall a number of Jay's friends got very miffed.


      That's not to say there isn't a role for a brave reporter, or a spunky lawyer, or a clever tec, in taking the Mayor down; just to say it isn't easy or short. That's just as well, because where's the story in an easy win?

    Another possibility is Vicky Cameron back in Paradopolis. GMY is out of her jurisdiction, but if she has evidence and a very curious investigation into Velma Klein, a little jurisdictional problem isn't going to stop her from making an arrest. I'm sure that will be embarrassing enough. And she'll curse at and insult anyone who tries to stop her.

That's the kind of arrest attempt that ends careers, though. Klein's probably dirty but smart enough to hide it well. She's got red-hot lawyers who know how to use the law to prevent the law being applied. She's got a whole police department who can crush any jurisdictional challenge - and might even find an intruding cop was carrying illegal narcotics or something. She's got enough contacts to have ten people making independent police brutality charges against an officer that annoys her so her opponent is suspended for years.

On the other hand she'd have to think very carefully before going too far against a Paradopolis cop because Commissioner Don Graham looks out for his people. But he also expects them to be smart in how they pick their fights.

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