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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Maybe once the video game hits the shops.
Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 at 11:30:18 am EST (Viewed 5 times)
Reply Subj: I suppose next you'll rerelease it in 3-D.
Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 at 08:54:09 am EST (Viewed 760 times)

    The "B" story was suitably hilarious, and far better than my "A" game. The dueling frat premise has a lot of promise, and really hit the ground running.

I wanted to cover the set up - or "Foundations" - of the premise now as a promise for the future.

I decided after the last couple of issues of Untold Tales that I needed to seperate out various plotlines and get them done so as to avoid 6 issues of random scenes hopping between six subplots. So this issue plants Hatty and the Juniors. Next issue will cover Apocalyspe and EEE. Then I can get on with the line-up main story with a Sally B-plot.

    Denial's choice of houses seems to have a few future plots ready to go off... I'd sugesst calling in Vinnie for a look around, but considering the past I don't think that would simplify matters any.

I don't see Danny calling in Vinnie any time soon. He could maybe get hold of Voodoo Vicaress.

The bedroom situation will need to be addressed, naturally. 4 for 7 doesn't quite equal "fraternal". I'm curious to see who the next two pledges are. I think I know the one, and have to wait for you to introduce the other.

Neither new Junior has appeared yet and one is waiting for a multi-part plotline that's delayed for now.

    Really good stuff... You should fight against having your work chopped down more often.

I'm still not that happy with this issue. It's okay but it doesn't zing.

On other business, I'm told my Robin Hood book's delayed while they wait for the cover artist to turn his work in. I told them they should have gone to you.

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