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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Parenthood is full of tough choices..
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 at 09:20:34 am EDT (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: I'd worry that a larger allowance would just lead to better bomb components.
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 at 10:48:40 pm EDT (Viewed 550 times)

    It's always good to have the laundrymat looking out for you. Usually that just means getting the starch levels right, but I guess some places are more full service.

I felt that since I'd thrown them in at the start of the story I needed to give them a nod near the conclusion.

    An entertaining scramble to the finish line! I was glad to see the new almost legionnaires make an appearance in this... I had noticed some mention of Champagne's family before, but wasn't expecting the thief herself.

I was feeling guilty that I'd omitted characters whose posters had previously expressed a desire to have involved. I don't know if Champagne or JJJ is reading right now but I didn't want them to feel left out.

That said, I agree with Shrike's criticism of the story. I'm not happy with it now.

    The CSFB action was impressive, especially for how much was conveyed in such a short story segment.

It was really a neccessary mopping up of unfinished plot thread.

    I also enjoyed the only threat that would work on shrike... exposure to more Dancer. If only the Bush administration had thought of that tactic, I bet we could have emptied Guantanamo long ago.

I was struggling with an outcome that didn't have Shrike going to jail or escaping scot free. I considered omitting the scene altogether and showing Hatty taking down the funeral parlour but I thought I'd get more humour out of a Hat/Shrike confrontation. I figured the Dancer threat (and being gypped on his expenses by the WNC) would give an out to Shrike to pass on the info, since as a merc he usually wouldn't blab.

    As for Hallie's body heat, that's a story for another time... Still nice to see Urthula though.

It's an overdue story for another time.

    Looking forward to the big finish!

The big finish is going to have to wait, I think. Life has just come back and jumped on me and I'm not really in a mood for creative writing.

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