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Subj: Vinnie and Liu Xi
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 at 08:20:47 am EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Re: In installments
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 at 12:38:16 pm EST (Viewed 673 times)


      There's an unresolved subplot (which obviously gets a mention next time) that Liu Xi only finally consented to join the LL because the Hood demanded it, in exchange for saving the life of the daughter of the woman whom Liu Xi murdered to save the Doomherald in Comic-Book Limbo. The Legion obviously don't know that the Hood has that leverage and wanted Liu Xi in there for some reason.

    Oddly enough she'd be suspicious of him for a totally different reason that most other LL members. So far, everyone she's met has some kind of plan for her, without her consent, and she's sick of it. That's what she would be expecting out of the Hooded Hood.

The Hooded Hood pretty much has a plan for everybody, so it's not like she's singled out. But in fact Liu Xi is one of the principal characters that the Hood so far hasn't worked over that much. Even in the present team, the Hood had impacted far more on Hatty, CSFB!, Vizh, G-Eyed, Mumphrey, and of course CZ. From the Hood's perspective it's a compliment that he's got Liu Xi in his sights, although she wouldn't see it that way.

    What would be interesting is if he surprises her by revealing that he has no plan for her whatsoever, and that either her part has already been played, or she was a lynchpin for some other plan to take place. Would be kind of funny if she goes to confront him, and he says go, live your life, I don't need you for anything. She would be really confused.

Liu Xi and the Hood have a little dialogue in the next chapter, albeit not to the point. Liu Xi has more urgent issues to discuss.


      Liu Xi is unlikely to be willing or able to subsume herself for Vinnie in the way that Cleone did for Xander, and nor is Vinnie likely to allow it.

    Not to mention that Liu Xi has a real sore spot for being subservient to anyone.

Cleone ended up as Xander's familiar pretty much by accident (he was happy with his Medusa-petrified hamster Harry). Thereafter Xander couldn;t dismiss her without destroying her. I would probably have resolved this and developed the relationship further and better had poster-Xander still been around. PV Xander's sidelining to the background is in line with me de-emphasising many characters whose posters are absent (e.g. Dancer, Finny, Sorceress etc.)

Nor is Vinnie Xander. Xander was/is far more experienced and calculating and a good deal more ruthless, as Liu Xi can attest. Vinnie is on one hell of a learning curve trying to keep up with the job he;s been dumped with. It has put a massive target on him along with overwhelming responsibility. That's one reason he agreed to join the LL, so he's got a bit of cover. It;s also why he's struggling in his relationship with Liu Xi, because he doesn't want her at ground zero when it goes down and he doesn't want the relationship to be all about her useful powers.

One might consider that Liu Xi joining the LL at the Hood's behest anyway may have something to do with keeping Vinnie alive anyhow.

    At the same time, though, she might also believe she's there at a pivotal point in Vinnie's life when she could save him from his own hubris. But even that has a short fuse, and if he hurts her enough times she'll turn on him.

I don't think Vinnie has much hubris, but like many people new to a big job he's unsure where to draw lines. He doesn't want to do it Xander's way, but that way worked. Can he find another method? Dare he risk it given the consequences of screwing up?

    But, even while attempting helping him, by now already she's started to become suspicious and self-protective, and will be extremely wary of anything like liens, or rights of possession. In other words, she no longer trusts Vinnie to possess anything of hers anymore. If she remembers what happened to Cleone, she'll try really hard to never hear from Vinnie that she's bound to him and can't leave.

This makes sense. Cleone and Liu Xi have some common background. Both were effectively enslaved, both were ceded to an owner who intended to use them sexually, both escaped and ended up linked to powerful men who both tried to protect them and needed their support. Their experiences of how well that worked out differ thereafter.


      The sorcerer supreme has to think in grand terms about cosmic issues. Vinnie has wlays up to now been concerned about individuals. it's not a comfortable transition for him, nor one he might handle well.

    I know I bring this up too much, but this is where Faite's lengthy experience could help him. If he takes the initiative to ask (Faite rarely volunteers information) she would tell him that he's being stupid.

    Why does she think he is he being stupid? Because he keeps falling back on fighting the same powerful cosmics over and over again, trying to resolve things that don't need resolving. That if he was serious about being Sorcerer Supreme, he would form reliable allies, not reliable enemies. The officeholders, the Ghouls, the Shoggoth, herself, and even the Celestians if he so dared. Even the Hooded Hood would be a better choice.

Xander would argue that the sorcerer supreme's job sometimes involves him overcoming any or all of those powerful beings, most of them far more powerful than himself. The role seems to be as final arbiter of use of magic and perhaps more, but it is very much about championing "the little people" against the big players. So while Xander might ally himself with, say, the Shoggoth most of the time, he has to be ready to shut the Shoggoth down if ever the Shoggoth's needs conflicted with humanity's. So he can't get too close.

Same with Vinnie in the job. Vinnie has to be ready - is supposed to be ready - to take on and take down whoever the sorcerer supreme is supposed to stop. That theoretically includes the Lair Legion, Liu Xi Xian, the Hooded Hood, and any cosmic power. It's a tall order and not one he could manage.

On the other hand, Xander may still be playing a long game behind the scenes to do exactly that if he feels it neccessary. His maxim was always "don't be there when it happens".

    Faite would also tell him that she agreed with Dark Thugos, and that the most powerful ally he can have is Lara Night. But also warn him that she's smart and hard-headed, and manipulating her will just blow up in his face.

From a personality poin of view, Vinnie isn't really confident enough to work closely with powerful and experienced females without difficulty. He's still an occasional gibbering wreck with Liu Xi and she's closer to his age and learning level.

Factor in too that Vinnie's other experience of a powerful female ally was, in fact, Kerry. Admittedly they were under an aphrodisiac effect at the time but it has left him wary of getting close to allies of the opposite sex. A complication is this is a previous prophecy that the foretold Celestian Madonna (or one potential-future version of her) is the child of Liu Xi and Danny Lyle and things get very tangled.

    Also, if he would ask Faite to be his familiar, she would probably turn his hair white for a month as punishment.

Vinnie wouldn't ask anyone to be his familiar. He doesn't see himself as that kind of mage. Even a stone hamster would be too great a commitment.

    The funny thing is, [Liu Xi] probably hasn't kicked Vinnie's butt by now because of Exu. She believes if he could be saved, so can Vinnie. But she does have a breaking point.

Vinnie doesn;t think he needs saving, because if he was "saved" he couldn't carry out his role effectively.

Vinnie's had this choice before, to remain comfortable and safe with a partner (his ex-fiancee) or to lose everything to do the right thing, and he chose the latter. He'd make the same choice again, no matter how much it hurt or what it cost him.

    Kind of funny to think that young Liu Xi is more mature in that respect, because she's a firm believer in "together we are stronger".

I like my characters to have blind spots and limitations. This is one of Vin's.



        By the way, if Yuki finds out (later on) what Vinnie has become, she'll probably give him a good beating just on principle.


        And Vinnie might never understand why.

    She'd make sure to tell him first.

Doesn't mean he'd understand.


      And then her best friend, who has suffered hundreds of years of misery already, condemns herself to an eternity more to save her. Beth has a giant portion of survivor's guilt.

    There's a lot of that going around.

It's potent story material.

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