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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: It could be rectified by an e-mail from you.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 at 06:46:19 am EST
Reply Subj: that seems like a big oversight.
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 at 09:34:18 pm EST (Viewed 702 times)



        They aren't Dead, just Lee is!

    I sent you an e-mail about this \:\)

I've just replied to your latest correspondence. I even offered to help if you want, despite that probably causing UT#353 to become UT#353 and 354!

    When I stop posting stuff there are normally plots in the air because I end up stop posting in the midst of a storyline & am just not sure how to continue on.

That's a common writer's problem. Hence the "switch-n-bait narrative technique. In Lee's case it is quite clearly the jounral of the poor investigator working out what happened and finding him or herself increasingly out of their depth as he looks into the doing of the legendary Lee Bookman.

    The Hood might of been allowed to enter the Library given Lee's past associations with him. The Barroness would not have been. Not saying she wouldn't have found a way in but The Hood could have easily walked in & very little would have been done to him. He's also probably on record at the Library, might even have an account with them.

That's what I expected, too.



        Ham-Boy's powers don't start with him (that's mostly like a thing from his father, presummed dead Air Force pilot Roger McCorkle Harris) but Fred's desire to become Ham-Boy does start with Grandpa Al. Fred's original training for becoming a Super Heroes is partly based off of the training his grandfather received when he was in WWII. It's also where the hame Ham-Boy comes from. But all those things are for another time.

    There's something there to chroncile, for sure.

      Before my writing the recent Chad & Ronnie story, your posting had got me to start writing a new Ham-Boy story, something that I had not done in 5 years. HB had been on my mind recently so that's why I gave a "full" answer on an HB manual.

    From your mind to your keyboard... go!

      FUN FACT: My response is the 1st time Fred's dad's name has been online. All previous references to him as just be as "Dad". It's also the 1st time that Mr. Harris' job has been mentioned & that Grandpa Al is former military.

    There's got to be a good story there if you can find the right way to frame it.


        Sounds like its toime for a major Ham-Boy series that gives us the answers, culminating in the ALL-HAM-BOY CROSS-TIME TEAM-UP ANNUAL!

    I doubt that will happen. There has been an idea to do a Ham-Boy Time Travel story for awhile. The original idea was that Ham-Boy & the Juniors (shows the age of the idea) were throws back in time to WWII. Ham-Boy would meet up with his grandfather & some HB backstory would be related.

Why not? Or, see the e-mail I sent you about another way to tie-in a time travel adventure.

    The 1 big part of his life that I really wasn't sure about is his involvement in the Lair Legion. Every other plot thread that was up in the air when his series stopped was created by me involving my creations.

I think the Legion stuff is pretty default now. He was a member at the time I last wrote Untold Tales (last week), which is set in unspecificed comic-book time but just a couple of weeks after his induction. So far he's still a newbie. The chances are that if I tell more Legion stories I'll continue following my old plans for them from that point in continuity while trying not to blatantly contradict anything people have written that post-dates that.

As to whether or how long Ham-Boy sticks around with the Legion from the point I'm writing at, and whether we continue to "real-time" the Legion and assume that years have passed since than, that's a wider discussion for the board.

I think we're now at the point where Stan Lee and Roy Thomas must have been around 1971, when the Marvel universe was ten years old and Franklin stopped ageing. Up to then it was assumed that Reed and Ben had served in WW2. After that, "Marvel time" assumed that the FF had been around for "Eight years", later ten and then twelve years. Stark's chest injury moved from Korea to Viet Nam to Afghanistan to the Middle East. And so on.

If the PV is real-time, then it is 17 years since the League of Regulars/LL first formed. More dangerously for us, Dancer, who was 22 in 2000, is now 39. Shep has gone on record as saying she only allowed herself to be brought into the Parodyverse to "be 22 again". Many of the juvenile cast should be parents themselves by now. So I'm not sure how to proceed. My immediate fix is to keep on telling stories following straight on from where I left off in 2010 and avoid the question.

    The Legion is not. I also don't feel up to the challenge of establishing who the Legion is in 2016. I assume the Legion still exists in 2016 but I'd be up for doing any story with them. In all of my time with the PV: I've pretty much avoided doing any story with the Legion directly. All my Lee Bookman stories from when he was alive & part of the group never featured the team directly.

It is hard to say, isn't it? I think Jason wrote a different line-up from the one I'm using at one point, but there were so few readers around by then I'm not sure it really impacted. Again, a tough one.

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