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Yo likes the movie too

Subj: Re: Okay, let's go there. [SPOILERS!!!!!!]
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 at 10:56:46 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Okay, let's go there. [SPOILERS!!!!!!]
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 at 03:01:58 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)

    Vizh: Admittedly, the Avengers cartoon has captured what makes Hawkeye such a great character. Renner is too much the overly-cool "Ultimate" Hawkeye, and it makes him rather dull by comparison. In all honesty, if they had to cut somebody to make room for a new Avenger next time, Hawkeye would top my list... and that surprises and kinda saddens me.

Indeed. Clint needs to be significantly broadened out if he's to hold his own with the others.

    I liked that not only did the heroes get their own big moments, their iconic weapons did as well. Cap's shield deflecting the energy of Mjolnir, Iron Man's suit hitting "400%" capacity, and Hulk completely failing to lift Mjolnir.

I thought everybody's specialities were well observed. The Widow's first "information-gathering" scene and Cap's moment with the beleagured New York police also come to mind.

    And I will give credit to Hawkeye's automated quiver... that was pretty cool. I'm quite annoyed that Black Widow wears those bracelets and yet only uses tiny handguns in the big fight scenes. In all honesty, they looked pathetically inadequate, and how much cooler would it have been to fire widow's stings, gatling-gun style from the cartridges circling her wrists?

Yes, that was a wasted opportunity, especially given that they even featured in the final credits graphics.

    I do wish they had at least taken a page from Video Games, and thrown a few mid-level boss characters in there to add variety to the fight... Especially for Captain America, who was stuck on the ground. Even "Raiders of the Lost Arc" knew that after watching Indy punch out half of the Nazi army, you needed to put him up against a big, shirtless guy under a flying wing. Some visually larger alien monster officer or super-trooper for Cap to beat up in more of a struggle would have kept it from seeming like his part in the finale was lesser.

Yes, that would have been a useful addition.

The other big omission was not giving the Helicarrier anything to do other than be attacked. Cool as it is, throughout the movie it's nothing but a liability. A ground-based installation couldn't have been cripped with one blast arrow, couldn't have nearly killed Thor, and couldn't have its entire security force distracted by falling from the skies so that a class 1 prisoner could walk away. The only thing the carrier does is launch a missile at the city to kill the only people with a chance of stopping an alien invasion.

What we needed was another scene where the carrier gets to take on one of those big flying alien troop carrier thingies. Let Fury unleash some wah-hoo whoop-ass on one of them using his expensive toy. Then let him ram another of those (non-existent) boss bas guys with his flying car.

    That was indeed a great set-up for that particular villain reveal... and it likely meant absolutely nothing to 95% of audiences. I admire that.

This whole movie has been very cleverly marketed, and the new villain;s identity has now gone viral.

    I'd enjoy Ms. Marvel, although if they were going to use her I would have put Carol Danvers in Maria Hill's role. I think, however, there might be deleted scenes with Maria Hill, as from actor's statements I expected there to be more about her in the film... Samuel Jackson said multiple times that they don't see eye-to-eye, and that she's much more in the pocket of that shadowy commission... Yet I never really saw evidence of this in the final film.

I'd certainly buy an extended edition of this.

    I think the Wasp would be a great addition, although apparently Whedon tried to work her in with earlier scripts and just couldn't get it to work, so she was cut. I'll be curious to see if they ever get Ant-man off the ground and introduce Pym and her.

Hank and Jan would seem to be suitable cast to intriduce when Ultron's turn as villain comes round.

    On the subject of future Avengers, I've heard the repeated, completely-baseless theory that Agent Coulson was going to end up being the Vision... and I actually wouldn't mind that having some truth to it now that they've apparently killed him (although I found the scene somewhat suspicious.) I've never felt you needed Simon Williams to make the Vision work, the interesting thing about him in that regards is just the question of whether he's his own man or just a copy of another. Basing his brain waves off of Coulson connects the audience and the Avengers to that question in an emotional way, without having to introduce and kill off Williams (a character that Whedon has said he'll never add to the team anyway.)

Interesting theory, although it might put a dampner on a Vizion/Wanda relationship, given that Coulson was 'cellist'.

    I was really hoping for a hint that the mansion was going to be introduced at the end... More as a place where they could get together out from under SHIELD's eye.

The biggest omission was Cap not yelling "Avengers Assemble!" - especially given that this was the title of the movie across half the planet.

    I also was checking all of the names in the video reports at the end, but I didn't see any that I recognized. Unfortunately, Gyrich might not be available... Fox used him (and killed him) in the first X-men movie. If they actually have a role planned out for her, I'm guessing Hill was introduced so that she could supply that kind of antagonism.

I tried and failed to glimpse the names of the Security Council when they appeared on the video monitors.

    Vizh: I liked that they established that none of the big 4 trust SHIELD, making it feel less like they're some SHIELD task force.

If there was any doubt that the Avengers should be a trusting adjunct of SHIELD it syrely evaporated at the point Fury was over-ruled and the Helicarrier tried to nuke NY.

    Yo: Enjoying this thread. But what about other comics nods you and others mentioned earlier?. I don´t know that much of Marvel U. to catch them.

A briefly-glimpsed sign identifies the research facility at the start as Project: Pegasus. There's a ROXXON oil ad in the NY background (a ROXXON gas station also featured in the Coulson short "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To Thor's Hammer").

    And about having the vision...always that they make him look cool(visually) and not robotic at all(personality wise). And i don´t know if that will be easy to do in movies. Otherwise don´t use him. They already changed IM and HW personalities-if I were a fan of the last one I would be really upset with the movie-, and I am fine with it, but Vision´s personality was too good in the early years to mess up with.

it would require some good casting and a sympathetic script.

By the way, I'd love to see Hawkeye guest star in the next Cap movie against Baron Zemo's Masters of Evil: Radioactive Man, the Fixer, the Crimson Dynamo, Moonstone, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Of course, two of the Masters might defect part way through, making a quartet of cooky heroes.

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