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Subj: Eventually the ankle joints give way and leave the concrete blocks behind.
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 at 10:21:35 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: If they're floating, it wasn't done right.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 at 12:07:12 pm EDT (Viewed 614 times)


      Vinnie's not afraid to recruit help when he needs it, but he's also aware that Black has a tendency to try and subvert people and their powers to his own benefit. Interactions of Liu Xi's elemental abilities and Tom's will-o-th'-wisps might not be pleasant.


        But really I don't see Tom being a Vinnie enemy. They're both probably just smarter than that.

    What's ironic about these two statements is that if Liu Xi wasn't already involved with Vinnie, she could be the person who saves Tom Black - from the world, and from himself. Pretty much the same way she saved Vinnie from himself - by picking on him incessantly until he realizes that she's actually helping.

Tom's rather more cynical and world-weary than Vinnie. Even if Liu Xi didn't have a secret agenda he'd assume she had. And if she didn't then he'd think her naive and seek to exploit her.

    Joking aside about that, though, Liu Xi does have a gift for helping a diamond-in-the-rough shine. I'm just not sure Tom Black would be willing to let her if she's already involved with and loyal to someone else, because he'd get a very limited return - he'd get only her friendship and possibly the trust of the Lair Legion.

Part of the difficulty Tom has - and the reason he's something of a tragic villain - is his inability to recognise or accept such help.

    Someone he might be able to relate to, though, is the Psychic Samurai. Like always, she's in that grey area between organized crime and the Lair Legion, but she manages to do so without losing the respect of either side. Maybe Tom might envy that a little, since he didn't really *want* to be a bad guy.

He'd be even warier of Chiaki, in part because of the "psychic" bit (he's from the intelligence community which is all aout secrets) and partly because she definitely would have an agenda, however benevolent.


      I imagine things are going to hot up soon and people will have to take a position.

    In that case, the answer is Frankie would probably wait to see who's winning. Then he'd made the decision to either ally with them, or cut them down, depending on how it affects his profits and sensibilities.

The secret of survival for a lot of folks is to stay out of it as long as possible and avoid taking a side as much as possible.

    If Velma Klein goes on a crusade to rid the city of organized crime through death, though, Frankie may have no choice but to go on the offensive. Then he'd try more direct intimidation methods, possibly involving large explosions.

Klein doesn't want to get rid of organised crime; just to be its organiser.



        Kidnapping Asil and Tandi is kind of a bad move. That's the kind of thing that gets personal attention from Yuki Shiro, and her personal attention is usually more destructive and irritating than Boss Deadeyes, Frankie, or Akiko. Usually she does stuff like add a door to your office that wasn't there before, and doesn't belong there.


        The whole point of the plot with Asil is to provoke the LL into provoking others and so escalate the situation. A dead Asil would be a good lever to set the Legion onto GMY, and then justify reprisals against them.

    Note that I didn't say the Lair Legion. Yuki already knows that the public perceives her as an out-of-control and lacking respect for boundaries, and she doesn't want the LL to inherit her reputation. She would probably try to go and torture those responsible on her own, and keep the LL out of it. If she needs backup, she'd probably bring someone without a direct stake in the LL, like Sir Mumphrey or the Psychic Samurai.

It's win-win for Klein. More metahuman interference in GMY shores up her anti-meta stance and wins her votes - and in turn justifies harsher responses.

    Actually that could be an amazing good-cop-bad-cop routine, between Yuki and Chiaki. Chiaki just patiently asks questions while Yuki "accidentally" smashes the entire office one piece at a time. Yuki crashes in through the outside wall, while somehow Chiaki has an appointment and strolls right past the body guards and secretary.

As always with Klein, the problem is that she's not the top dog she appears to be.

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