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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Just look for the floating bodies.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 at 11:03:53 am EDT (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Where's the Reservoir?
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 at 04:51:29 pm EDT (Viewed 649 times)


    I might have said this before, but Vinnie would be smart to at least seek Liu Xi's help for the big face-off against Tom Black. If the Lair Legion doesn't get involved, Liu Xi will balance Vinnie's need to settle things himself - she would likely involve other people for help even if Vinnie didn't ask, because she's worried about him.

Vinnie's not afraid to recruit help when he needs it, but he's also aware that Black has a tendency to try and subvert people and their powers to his own benefit. Interactions of Liu Xi's elemental abilities and Tom's will-o-th'-wisps might not be pleasant.

But really I don't see Tom being a Vinnie enemy. They're both probably just smarter than that.

    Frankie of the Zoot Suit Gang might have some interest in whoever is causing the deaths of small gangsters around GMY. He does his business by making careful deals, if a street war erupts, none of those deals work anymore. Bullets and casualties cost money; peace and quiet make money. Then again, if the mayor is behind it, Frankie's not quite crazy enough for such a public execution. That sounds more like something that Akiko might do.

I imagine things are going to hot up soon and people will have to take a position.

    Kidnapping Asil and Tandi is kind of a bad move. That's the kind of thing that gets personal attention from Yuki Shiro, and her personal attention is usually more destructive and irritating than Boss Deadeyes, Frankie, or Akiko. Usually she does stuff like add a door to your office that wasn't there before, and doesn't belong there.

The whole point of the plot with Asil isto provoke the LL into provoking others and so escalate the situation. A dead Asil would be a good lever to set the Legion onto GMY, and then justify reprisals against them.

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