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Subj: Re: I don't know about that.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 at 02:20:40 pm EST
Reply Subj: Re: I don't know about that.
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 at 09:31:29 am EST (Viewed 415 times)

> > > It's probably one of the major things Chiaki finds so frustrating about him. She could try to explain her view on things but it would just bounce off him.
> > Then she's making an assumption that her way is better than his, not just different. Jay's strength as a hero comes from his moral certainties. He holds the line so that others have the luxury of dancing across it.
> It's not that, but Chiaki does believe that she has real logical reasons when she tries to explain something to Hatman, and she feels like she's wasting her breath once she hears his conclusion.

There's a difference between being listened to and agreed with.

> For instance if she tries to carefully explain to Hatman that Akiko should not be arrested at this time, because if she is, all the small-timers who she keeps quiet and at bay will come out like vultures and start fighting each other. Hatman is likely to respond with a simple "but she broke the law and has to pay!". Chiaki would then feel like she wasted her time trying to make him listen, because he's going to do what he wants anyhow. It's incredibly frustrating for her.

The world has progressed through a balance of people accepting neccessary evils and people making great breakthroughs through zero tolerance.

> > What I mean is that there has to be some line that the LL draws to protect themselves and the world. The LL can't be a police force or army. They can't investigate every murder and bank robbery. They can't build a case against every crime boss.

> Then there's also a matter of territory. The Lair Legion has to allow the governments of the cities and of the world to handle their own law enforcement, otherwise the Lair Legion runs the risk of looking like its own private judge, jury, and executioner, something nobody really wants.

We've often made reference to some kind of charter, and to US and UN legislation that defines the team's authority.

> As to how information from Chiaki relates to that though? Chiaki gets information from a wide variety of sources. Those who know her in the "underworld" always know she has that information. The reason they don't care is because she has a reputation for handling it discreetly, unless they give her a reason not to. In other words, she knows, they know she knows, but they also know she knows how to mind her own business most of the time.
> Let's say the Lynchpin comes back. If he does, Chiaki will likely know the details of his new organization as soon as it leaves his office. But she won't tell anyone - not even Hatman - unless he takes the initiative and asks. It's not her place to tell him otherwise. Of course if thr Lynchpin's #1 plan is to dispatch Hatman, then she'd be sure to tell him.


> Chiaki is getting a little smarter in her responses now. After cursing she'll probably turn everything into his office into stone to teach him a lesson, and then leave him to figure out how to move it all and open the desk drawers.

Then she's likely to provoke reprisal and escalation.

> Yuki tries to be subtle about her intimidation - she's been working as a P.I. long enough to understand subtlety. She would probably first warn Vendredi that there are "consequences" to his actions. Then a while after she leaves he'd realize that his collectible 1930's
is in pieces.
> As a contrast, the Psychic Samurai might threaten Vendredi that he will lose his power base if he is not careful. An ambitious threat until he ignores her, and then as a warning, the Mayor of GMY and a couple of others Vendredi has under his thumb end up in the hospital all at the same time after a mysterious accident. And anyone working close to him who's heard of the Psychic Samurai will insist it was her.

Again, pushing for reprisal. The only way to prevent all of this is for "the chips to stay up".

> Of course, since Vendredi has allied with Akiko, he may simply be amused by the stories about the Psychic Samurai. He might be eager to meet her and speak with her, maybe even make her an offer she'll probably turn down.

I don't think he'd trust her.

> > This is one reason I wanted the Hatman scene on record. It defines an uncomfortable but working relationship between Ventredi and the LL. It draws the line. The LL can and will take down Deadeyes and his men if they can do it legally, but they're not specially targetting him. He'll stay out of the LL's hair and won't go after them or do things that draw their attention.

> That's the Lair Legion's job, watch and wait. Chiaki sees the flaw in that, however- because now that Vendredi knows, he's going to use the time to prepare. She believes her job is to keep an eye on the preparations, and silently thwart them or poison them (so they look like they're ready but will fail spectacularly) if necessary. Both for Akiko's sake and for the Lair Legion's.

War with the LL isn't what Deadeyes is preparing for.

> > That said, there's another element of this that I won't be covering until Deadeyes #4: Myra Mason, Deadeyes' moll.
> That sounds like something Chiaki may make a lot of use of - because she doesn't expect a leak, but it would work in her favor, at least making it seem to Vendredi like she's cooperative and friendly. That would keep her clearly off his hit list and free to do as she pleases. She would try to get information, but her style is to be patient and wait until the atmosphere is right first. Or in short, to coax Myra to give it voluntarily because she cares for Chiaki's safety rather than because she feels intimidated. Chiaki asks pointed questions, but usually informally and over a hot cup of tea.
> Yuki would probably talk to her calmly too, but the atmosphere would be different and much more tense. She would be after information, and trying to get it as quickly as possible, and would use slight pressure or tricky questions to get it. Myra would be lucky to get her to sit down at all.

Myra's a gossip, but she also knows how to keep her lip buttoned about the important stuff. people underestimate a ditzy blonde.

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